Have dumb fucks started blaming Democrats for Trump's commuting Roger Stone's sentence yet?

I'm sure they've forgotten that Democrats impeached Trump, are in the process towards impeaching Barr, passed > 400 bills, & have been the only firewall standing against Trump's tyranny.
2/Dumb fucks need to start learning about Civil Servants doing their job without wh*ring themselves for the MSM lens.

A MoC who misses >60% of votes, but shows up to give bloviating speeches on the floor & appears on Sunday shows, isn't fighting for us.

Neither is Donald Trump.
3/Remember how dumb fucks thought Democrats should forgo due process & walk out instead of questioning Kavanaugh during his hearing? As if they were in a TV show?🙄

But Dems still showed up & did their job, & Kavanaugh lied under oath, paving the way for a later impeachment.
4/You know how House Democrats cajoled, threatened, subpoenaed, negotiated, and then strategized hearings in order to trip every Trump crony who appeared in front of Congress and lied or implicated Trump?

Which swayed public perception and lead to his impeachment?
5/You know how despite Mitch McConnell priding himself on being the Grim Reaper, refusing to bring any of the >400 House bills to the Senate floor for a vote, Nancy Pelosi still pushes Democrats to pass Progressive bills, making sure the House does its job in serving The People?
6/Do you know what would happen if for any reason Trump & Pence are removed and Pelosi becomes Acting POTUS?

You need to understand the importance of doing your job despite challenges, recognizing that incremental grind lays the ground for a moment that could change everything.
7/Hard, slow, slog work, pushing and grinding until everything aligns and you effectively pass legislation that changes the lives of many for the better.

A career of yelling at people while accomplishing nothing isn't what makes Progress happen. But incrementalism does.🤷🏿‍♀️
8/At some point, even dumb fucks must realize that they have been manipulated, programmed like some Pavlov's dog to bark at Democrats everytime Trump fucks up or does something heinous.

And that this is not normal, let alone rational behavior.
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