So... does anyone at @GoyaFoods need a history lesson on boycotts?
The Montgomery Bus Boycott and led to a US Supreme court decision that declared segregated buses were unconstitutional. Boycotts work.
Colonists boycotted British hoods, including the protest known as the Boston Tea Party, to ensure they weren’t supporting a government that did not represent them. Boycotts are patriotic.
When Florida Oranges spokesperson Anita Bryant called the LGBTQ community “human garbage,” the gay rights activists responded with a boycott of Florida orange juice. She lost her job with Florida Citrus.

Boycotts remove harmful voices from their platforms.
In the late 1960’s, Filipino and Mexican grape workers, led by Larry Itliong and Cesar Chavez, called on consumers to boycott grapes. Major grape growers (faced with consumer solidarity) raised wages, limited toxic pesticide use and recognized contracts.

Boycotts are radical.
The lettuce boycott, supporting the ‘Salad Bowl Strike’ in the Salinas Valley, led to the revolutionary California Agricultural Labor Relations Act in 1975: the first time farm workers had a protected right to form unions and collectively bargain.

Boycotts change the world.
College students demanded their universities divest from companies doing business in apartheid South Africa- leading to a wave of protest divestment. From 1985-1990, the apartheid economy lost over $1 billion to ‘protest divestment’ boycotts.

Boycotts are ethical.
In 1933, the American Jewish Congress ( @AJCongress) declared a boycott of Nazi-German goods. It was endorsed by the American Federation of Labor @AFLCIO.

“We must speak out. If that is unavailing, at least we shall have spoken."

Boycotts aren’t a ‘cancel culture’ trend.
[deep breath]
Forgive the typos. This one has got us in our feelings.
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