IMO Kamala Harris will have an eye on criminal justice reform, on a more equitable society, and anti-corruption in any role.
I agree that the AG should not be hellbent on finding punishment for every Trumpy scumbag for multiple reasons:
1. Primarily, the justice department - ALL criminal justice actors - should strive for impartiality. One of the biggest PROBLEMS with Trump’s DoJ is how blatantly they ignore this basic requirement.
The AG should be hellbent on getting the department back in order to pursue 2/
Justice “blindly” based on the priorities set by the president. Those priorities must be policy priorities - not “go after Trumper” priorities.
*I am NOT saying that the process has ever successfully been impartial, but it has been better and must strive to be. 3/
2. Much of what these people have done is AWFUL but not illegal. The justice system should not pursue people because they are awful. Only because they are investigating and prosecuting crime. 4/
If someone does something awful which *should* be illegal, it’s for legislators to correct the law. Unfortunately, the person who found a way to be awful under the old law gets to live with that.
3. I was *appalled* at the Lock Her Up Chants not because they were being awful and wrong about Clinton (which they were) but because mob “justice” is BAD justice. Justice never comes from an angry mob, whether or not the mob is correct about the circumstances.
The best thing to hope for is a BETTER justice department; not for revenge.
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