1/ Roger Stone is a free man! Accordingly, the journos, lib hacks, leftists, and filthy Democrats are BIG MAD.

To celebrate, here's a thread of the most unhinged hot takes I've seen so far. These people are psychos. They also really need to cry more.

2/ @pbump of @washingtonpost about to drop a 🔥🔥 diary entry on Roger Stone
3/ @BillKristol is still simping for Lt. Dipshit lmao
4/ @justinjm1 is graciously explaining things in "simple" terms
5/ @AyannaPressley, the bigot from MA's 7th district, has entered the chat.
6/ It wouldn't be a thread of unhinged psychos without @RepAdamSchiff; also, LOLz at @HarleyRouda for retweeting this insanity.
7/ @brhodes needs a hug. lol, jk, he needs to cry more.
8/ @tribelaw sharing his bedtime story lies (it's the only thing that helps him sleep at night.)
9/ @mollyjongfast reminding everyone that she's an idiot.
10/ @BillR and @AndrewBatesNC of Team Fat need to cry more.
11/ The struggle is real for @K_JeanPierre and @Rob_Flaherty (also of Team Fat)

"There is no bottom" lmaooooo

12/ @brhodes is still trying to process all of this. Someone might wanna do a welfare check on that critter, make sure he's crying more.
13/ @ChrisMurphyCT is binging on paint chips tonight.
14/ Crazy @maziehirono has beamed down from planet psychopath and entered the chat.
15/ @repjimcooper and @repdennyheck out here trying to be relevant by spreading lies (to be fair, lying is the foundation of the Democratic Party.)
16/ Heels Up @KamalaHarris with the pinned tweet lmao
17/ 🚨🚨🚨 we have our first solid race-baiting tweet! Shout-out to fart boy, @RepSwalwell.
18/ @maddow and @RepAdamSchiff going over that evidence of Russia collusion lmao
19/ @WhipClyburn is a terrible person.
20/ TBH, I'm kinda surprised it took @RepJerryNadler this long to announce an aGgReSsIvE iNvEsTiGaTiOn. Imagine Roger Stone testifying in front of that committee bvaahhaahahahahahaha (it would be lit, tho.)

Anyway, that's all for now, I'm friggin tired.

OK, a few more, mostly because Daddy Nichols @radiofreetom telling Zodiac Ted that Trump "broke him" is just too good to pass over. h/t @LibertyAndTech
22/ @RepJeffries never disappoints. He's a loon.
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