Paris, 1922: A young Ho Chi Minh struggles to get French workers to care about the "IdPol" of the place and time - the plight of colonial natives. He delivers speeches and writes articles trying to rally support for the People of Color scattered throughout the French empire:
Ho Chi Minh wrote this passage in an article in communist newspaper L’Humanité: “Unfortunately there are still many militants who think a colony is nothing but a country full of sand with the sun shining down; a few green coconut trees and some colored men, and that’s all.”
Ho Chi Minh saw how the colonial/capitalist elites used this division to their advantage! He wrote about how it was difficult to convince colonial natives to rally to socialism, and how difficult it was to get French socialists to rally to defend oppressed natives:
Quote: "From the mutual ignorance of the two proletariats prejudices are born. For the French worker, the native is an inferior being, insignificant, incapable of understanding and even less of acting. For the native the French — whoever they may be — are all wicked exploiters."
"Imperialism and capitalism do not fail to take advantage of this reciprocal distrust and this artificial racial hierarchy to obstruct propaganda and to divide forces which ought to unite."
Ultimately, Ho Chi Minh was not able to garner enough support to end the suffering of oppressed people in French colonies, as he just couldn't get enough white French people to care about the suffering of his fellow countrymen.
Today when I see white leftists say that BLM is a "distraction" or a "waste of time" or "divisive" and we should only focus on "universal issues," it brings to mind the cold shoulder which Ho Chi MInh received in Paris in the 1920s. Today, a century later... what have we learned?
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