1/ He is Ramiz Nukic, a survivor of Bosnian genocide which resulted in killing of more than 8,000 Bosniaks(Bosnian Muslims). Ramiz returned to his home and has made it a mission to find the remains of those whose bodies remains missing.
Today marks 25 years of this genocide. +
2/On July11 1995, Serbs attacked Srebrenica, the site of the genocide despite the presence of UN peacekeepers. Women, kids were transported by UN to their base in Potocari. Men& young boys were slaughtered.
Ramiz was one of those who managed to flee.+

3/ The ethnic cleansing of which Srebrenica was the culmination, started in 1992.
With the fall of Communism, Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia declared their independence from Yugoslavia in 1991 quickly leading to war between Serbia and these breakaway republics. +
4/ Ethnic tensions which were fomenting since 1980s were ripped open. In Mar 1992, Bosnia also declared independence. Two months later Serb forces launched their offensive with a bombardment of Bosnia’s capital, Sarajevo.+(do read abt siege of Sarajevo)
5/ They attacked Bosniak dominated town (majority Muslims) and started their ethnic cleaning. By the end of 1993, nearly three-quarters of the country was under Bosnian Serbs. Bosniaks were pushed to camps where murder, torture, rape, starvation continued unabated.+
6/ In 1993, the United Nations (UN) Security Council declared that Sarajevo, Goradze, Srebrenica and other Muslim enclaves were to be safe areas, protected by a contingent of UN peacekeepers.
On this day in 1995 (11July), Serbs stormed Srebrenica to execute the genocide.+
7/What followed was the largest massacre in Europe since WWII. An estimated 23,000 women, children and elderly people were put on buses and driven out, while 8,000 “battle-age” men were slaughtered.
The so-called safe area of Srebrenica fell without a single shot fired by the UN+
8/Ramiz remembers the day when he asked his family to go: "My youngest son clung tightly to my legs. "Father, don't let me go," he said. "They will kill me." It was one of the most painful moments of my life. But I had to let them go." He didn't know if he would see them again.
9/Ramiz with his father and two brothers joined the rest of the men.They hoped they could flee to a place held by Bosnian Army. It was a 100km journey.They stopped in the forest near his old house.He knew the terrain and was asked to lead the group. As they started walking again+
10/ indiscriminate firing started. Ramiz ran for his life without knowing in the moment what happened to his father and brothers.
"For six days and nights I walked without food or shoes. I was with a group of 100 people... With God's help, we made it."
11/Ramiz was reunited with his wife and kids. But his father and brothers didn't survive. He kept searching for them/ their remains which were found in a mass grave in Zvornik in 2015, twenty years after the genocide.For him, this was a closure,but what about hundreds of others?+
12/"Now,almost every day I go into the forest to search for the lost men.I have found the remains of at least 200 people...I know that by searching for and finding those bones I can help many people,especially mothers who are searching for their sons,"said Ramiz in an interview.+
13/ Dec, 1995 the conflict ended by US led negotiations and NATO airstrikes earlier in Aug.
Since the end of the conflict, the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY),first int'l tribunal since the Nuremberg Trials in 1945-46 has charged more than 160 persons. +
14/ Former-President Miloševic, Radovan Karadžic the supreme commander of the Bosnian Serb armed forces, and the "butcher of Bosnia" Ratko Mladic, chief of staff of the Bosnian Serb Army were three prime men behind the genocide.+
15/Miloševi was found dead in his cell in 2006. Karadžic and Mladic were found guilty of genocide, war crimes etc in 2016 and 2017 respectively and both are serving life imprisonment.Mladic’s long-delayed conviction marked the last major prosecution by the ICTY.+
17/Ramiz Nukic continues to travel, search and find remains of missing Bosniak Muslim men.
Meanwhile, like most Bosnian Serbs,Mladen Grujicic, the mayor of Srebenica denies that the genocide took place.
He will skip the events marking the #25YearsOfBosnianGenocide.

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