1/ The President of the United States committed a crime today in plain view. Commuting the sentence of a criminal co-conspirator isn't protected by the U.S. Constitution and isn't within the authority of a president. This is as good as a confession of criminal conduct by Trump.
2/ Congress must initiate an investigation of this pardon immediately. I've already threaded at some length about the evidence in the Stone case that indicates Trump colluded with Russia, Israel, and Turkey with Stone's assistance before the 2016 election: https://twitter.com/SethAbramson/status/1255371824784965632
3/ After a poll taken here on the feed (with thousands of respondents), I'll be publishing an excerpt from the Stone chapter of PROOF OF CORRUPTION next week that deals with Trump-Israel collusion prior to the 2016 election. You can preorder the book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250272998?tag=macsupaduinstalpa-20
4/ The evidence in Stone's case incriminated Trump on not just lying to federal investigators but being *actively* involved in pre-election Israeli and Turkish collusion in 2016. This commutation wasn't a political statement, it was Trump issuing *himself* a Get-Out-of-Jail card.
5/ Some think there won't/can't be justice for the crime Trump committed today. There can be and will be if (a) America's citizenry and its Congress educate themselves on what Trump has done, (b) investigations and hearings are held and (c) a Democratic administration is elected.
6/ Some also think that the main problem we have *now* is a corrupt White House and a corrupt DOJ. No—that was the permanent problem we first found out about years ago. The problem we have *now* is that most Americans aren't educated on why what just happened is a federal crime.
7/ If I'm 1 of 100 people on Twitter shouting about how the search warrant apps in Stone's case confirm Trump colluded with Israel, I sound crazy. If *everyone* in media reads these historic docs and *everyone* reports on them and every *author* writes about them, it's different.
8/ So I'm not at all persuaded by or interested in those who say "nothing will happen"—because US media and Americans generally haven't taken the step that *precedes* "something happening," which is *knowing all about the emails Stone sent during the 2016 presidential campaign*.
9/ Stone indicated to the Israelis in 2016 that Trump wanted Turkish cyberintelligence to be delivered to Trump's campaign via the Israelis that would act as an "October Surprise" to destroy Clinton's campaign—that was an illegal conspiracy to solicit foreign election assistance.
10/ Stone said that the "Lieutenant General" was involved in these plans as well as Trump. And who is Trump looking to pardon next? Lieutenant General Michael Flynn—who had secret contacts he lied to the feds about with {checks notes} Israel and Turkey prior to the 2016 election.
11/ The story of these events was *told* by me (in Proof of Collusion, Proof of Conspiracy, and now Proof of Corruption, as well as here on the feed) *and* by many others on social media who have researched these topics and documents. Media decided it wasn't sexy enough to cover.
12/ If America had demanded this story be central to our discourse the same way America demanded John Bolton's book be central to the discourse—making it #1 in America and all media could cover for two weeks—Trump might have felt he *couldn't* pardon Stone. But there was silence.
13/ Think of it: before today, did you read anywhere that Trump was about to commute or pardon a man who'd been confirmed to be a criminal co-conspirator of his in recently released court docs? No—media covered this as Trump just "doing a solid" for a pal, not committing a crime.
14/ Nor did media prepare America for the fact—and it is a fact—that Trump commuting or pardoning Stone would be *proof of consciousness of guilt*. Anyone who has written a book chapter on Stone could have told you that Stone would threaten to flip without a pardon—and Stone did.
15/ I've said this over and over: media drives much of what happens in D.C. and at the polls—and if media isn't discussing something it *expands* the range of misconduct politicians can engage in and *kneecaps* America's ability to rouse Congress to a real and full investigation.
16/ The time to launch a public Trump-Israel/Trump-Turkey collusion probe was months ago. And that was the time for media to cover a possible Trump-Stone pardon/commutation as the public commission of a crime. Those things didn't happen—that education and activism never occurred.
17/ So now some people say, "What can we do?" and get angry if or when authors talk about reading books, spreading knowledge, and engaging in public activism to force media to do its job. But that *was* the answer to the "What can we do?" question... it was the answer months ago.
18/ In 2019 I wrote a book on Trump-Israel collusion. I spent a year yelling about that collusion. So I'm not sure what I can do except say well, I guess media should've covered that goddamn book more, as it was right and now we're paying the price for what was in it but ignored.
19/ All of that is the past. The question America should ask now is, "Okay, so what are we ignoring *now* that *isn't* too late to start getting educated on and pushing media to cover?" Some answers: Trump-China collusion. Trump-Turkey collusion. Continued Trump-Israel collusion.
20/ But also Trump-Venezuela collusion. Also the fact that the Ukraine scandal was really about the oil-and-gas industry—not "one perfect phone call"—and was 1000% worse than people realize. Also the Trump-Saudi and Trump-Emirati collusion that never got investigated by Congress.
CONCLUSION/ The upshot is that when crimes are being committed by a president, they don't just "get punished." There has to be a *massive* education campaign; then a *massive* media campaign; then a *massive* investigation; then the *resultant* national will leads to punishment.
PS/ https://twitter.com/SethAbramson/status/1281742706067283968
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