1/ In America, Europe, Canada, Australia, India & every Islamic country, we've rampant out of control bigotry. Bigotry to a level it's institutionalized. It exists in government, Academia & media. I often focus on India because it is the largest target of that systemic bigotry
2/ This bigotry has become a part of the very fabric of our societies. Sadly and to the detriment of the world, it is ignored so it continues unchecked. It is politicized & rampant in media propaganda against entire nations & their heritage, their spiritual lives & their beliefs.
3/ India has a continuous civilization, heritage & culture that is thousands of years older than the west & ME. Regardless of this incredibly long history, India is under continuous attack via media propaganda & foreign governments. Attacks that are sadly driven by bigotry & hate
4/ The main drivers of bigotry & hate are Islam & Christianity.
What world do we live in where we allow & ignore the ingrained bigotry of both Christianity & Islam? Think how many peoples lives have been destroyed by these two religions simply because they believed differently!
5/ I focus on these two religions specifically regarding India because, without doubt, they are the primary drivers of centuries of hate, strife, struggle, death, rape, genocide and chaos in India. It’s gone on for centuries yet the world continues to turn a blind eye!
6/ The biggest driver of hatred in India is without doubt Islam, however Christianity takes a close second. Raised Catholic, I understand well exactly what drives this bigotry in both Islam & Christianity. The world needs to stop accepting it! Stop turning a blind eye to it!
7/ Both of these Abrahamic faiths have it hardwired into their very religion to target Hindus & the entire Sanatan Dharma, which includes Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, all Dharmic faiths and traditions including the many atheist Hindus.
8/ We live in a world so propagandized by Abrahamic faiths if any Dharmic faiths try to stand up for themselves & push back against Islamic terrorism/aggression or Christian aggression against them, they're labeled bad or fascist. They're only defending their culture & heritage.
9/ Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism, is not an organized religion. It represents a collection of ancient Dharmic traditions that extend back in our human history for thousands of years. Traditions aiding all humanity through Yoga & diet even if you don't know where the practice came from
10/ Humanity should be embracing & welcoming Dharmic traditions, not allowing & giving preference to these two Abrahamic faiths to continue to target, persecute & push forward on their path to destroy their very existence, erasing yet another part of our shared human history.
11/ Sanatan Dharma is not a religion, it's more a system of spirituality, practices & care of self including life centric practices to improve our physical. mental health & well being while striving to live in balance with our planet, nature & the animals we share the planet with
12/ The reason Dharmic faiths & cultures have not followed the imperialism, the civilizational destroying paths, the historical genocidal pattern of Christianity & Islam is simply that Dharmic faiths, Hinduism in particular are pluralistic.
13/ Hindus are not seeking to convert the world & eradicate other religions. That's what Christianity & Islam do as they have it hardwired into their very religions to do exactly that. To convert & end all other faiths as they believe only they are correct & all others are wrong.
14/ Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism is pluralistic. They recognize that there are many paths one can take to understand truth & our precious existence as human beings. This is precisely why there are so many paths within the Sanatan Dharma family, even for atheists.
15/ Think hard about it. We're all the same & when I say that, I mean WE'RE ALL THE SAME. Don't be swayed by skin color, sexual orientation, political beliefs or chosen path to navigate this incredible world. That's all surface, at our very core, we are all exactly the same.
16/ Yet we have differences in our approach to navigate this world & our existence. Some find comfort in Jesus or Islam. Some in Dharmic traditions or any of a number of other beliefs. Some reject spirituality completely. Some find comfort in nature. Some in condensed city life.
17/ Being same does not mean evil doesn't exist in our world. There are always those who work against dharma & humanity. This being said differences in culture, beliefs or skin color do not constitute evil. That can only be judged based on actions unless you are a bigot or racist
18/ Recognizing this & all of the “preceived” differences, recognize, we're all the same, we just have different approaches to dealing with the reality of human existence. Differences driven by society & politics. Driven by a few wealthy elite working to maintain their advantage
19/ I ask all to look past the “perceived” differences & recognize, WE ARE ALL THE SAME. We all desire to have the best life possible for ourselves, our families, our friends. I personally find spirituality a key component to that process. Many do, many do not, it’s their path.
20/ If you’re following a religion teaching bigotry towards others. One that targets other cultures who believe differently as both Islam & Christianity absolutely do. Speak up. Stop your religions ingrained bigotry. It will only bring more suffering. It’s time to heal, not hate.
21/ Humanity has a precious gift. Our planet a rarity in our immediate tiny speck of the universe. It's up to us to cherish it, love it, nurture it, including our fellow human beings who may believe differently than us. Who may on the surface look different, but we're the same.
22/ Remember, everything you think you know represents only a tiny fraction of what is yet to be known. As we reach to the universe, know, we only understand 5% of its existence.
Be it divine gift or luck of evolution, we've indeed been given a precious gift. Let's not waste it.
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