Hen Mazzig and Ariel Sobel have been engaged in a concerted effort to destroy the career of Rabbi Andy Kahn and have headed a harassment campaign against him for over a year. It is SICK that @JewishJournal would allow her to write a hit piece about someone she’s been harassing.
There is an ethical crisis in Jewish journalism. Editors are more interested in generating conflict, assailing critics of Israel, and watering down antisemitism in pursuit of platform promotion than actually serving news to the Jewish public.
Publications like @jdforward @JewishJournal and @TimesofIsrael have been committed to attacking leftist Jews and platforming extreme racists. That Ariel Sobel of all people has a writing job at one of these publications is evidence that there is an ethical crisis.
. @TimesofIsrael @TOIOpsBlogs ran an extremely racist piece questioning the Jewishness of Black Jews , and when called to account for it, the editor stood behind the piece, saying she didn’t see anything racist about it.
Among many questionable decisions made by the editorial staff at @jdforward, they ran a piece during the Trump impeachment proceedings about the “Jewish characters” involved, thus inviting Nazis and antisemites to run with antisemitic conspiracy theories. https://twitter.com/ilana_____/status/1195368265448591360?s=21
Don’t even get me started on @jdforward and @bungarsargon spearheading the mainstreaming of attacks against Rep Ilhan Omar, calling her the “new face of antisemitism” while getting her confused with Rep Rashida Tlaib in a fundraising appeal.
Or the time Ariel Sobel published a piece in @jdforward linking the Dayton mass shooter to @elivalley, of all people. They’re lucky Eli didn’t sue them for libel, frankly.
Other contributors to @jdforward have documented and detailed their experience with racist editors, namely @bungarsargon who has led smear campaigns against Black Jews and used her platform to promote racists, among other editorial ethical lapses.
https://twitter.com/evelkneidel/status/1172931157891137537?s=21 https://twitter.com/evelkneidel/status/1172931157891137537
The @jewishjournal (who’s twitter account is run by Ariel Sobel so I know they can see this) has given a staff writing position to a person who deleted their social media account after being exposed for masquerading as a Black Jew in order to send threats to themself.
Ariel Sobel, a documented racist, has been writing about the Movement for Black Lives uprising in America over the past several weeks despite their history of racism and tonight published a piece about a rabbi they have harassed endlessly for over a year.
I understand that the digital age is a challenging time for all involved in journalism and publishing as we navigate previously uncharted territory and that writers and editors deserve to make a living while performing a vital public service, but what we’re seeing from these
publications is not news. It’s clickbait. It’s a public disservice. They have lowered the ethical bar for Jewish publications so low that one wonders if the enterprise of Jewish journalism can recover from the damage that has been done.
Pursuit of justice is a Jewish value I take incredibly seriously and the injustices being promoted by Jewish publications amount to a serious violation of Jewish ethics to the point that it is a shonde fur die goyim.
You can follow @ilanalanalan.
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