Just a reminder that issuing a pardon or commuting a sentence in exchange for a witness refusing to testify about your own criminal behavior is in itself an act of obstruction that would need to be investigated by Congress & could lead to new charges (esp. if Trump loses in Nov).
Incidentally, Roger Stone admitted today that he expects a commutation from Trump in exchange for refusing to share incriminating information about Trump. Stone said he could have “turn[ed] on him” at any point, which is interesting because how do you flip on an innocent person?
Flashback to Jan. 2019, when Trump’s own Attorney General, Bill Barr, said during his confirmation hearing that pardoning someone in exchange for their silence “would be a crime.”
Trump has officially commuted Roger Stone’s sentence. Congress needs to respond immediately by launching a probe & subpoenaing witnesses/docs related to the commutation.

Focus = preserving evidence, summoning whistleblowers, & warning others not to aid a criminal abuse of power.
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