So, if I am hearing Scheer and Singh correctly on @PnPCBC they feel WE should have been eliminated from consideration for this program automatically b/c Trudeau has some ties with the organization. That really isn't how things work. 1/12
People in government have a lot of ties with a lot of people and organizations. Governments on the right tend to have ties with big businesses, governments who are more progressive have ties with charitable organizations. 2/12
Effectively, the PM is being attacked for having a family who does charitable work. I would not be surprised if various members of the Liberal caucus have strong ties with many charitable organizations. 3/12
So, to some extent, if it wasn't WE, it would likely be whichever charity was selected. WE does seem particularly suited as it has a high profile amongst youth. Youth being the beneficiaries of the program, there is a certain symbiosis there. 4/12
But, one has to wonder if the CPC would have found fault with any organization. Could it be they just don't like the idea of the program? Could it be that they are so put out about losing the election that they will stop at nothing to discredit this government? 5/12
They have obstructed and complained about all the relief programs during this pandemic. Recall Scheer saying that CERB was going to make Canadians too lazy to work? I'd like to see him get by on $2K a month. What would the CPC have done? 6/12
It's a good bet they would have done as little as possible for the people, while shoveling "stimulus" money at big corporations. Because, "trickle down blah, blah, blah". They have been unhappy about putting public money back into the pockets of the public since this began. 7/12
So, the optics of how the WE project was handled are sloppy, but it is important to note that the CPC have done nothing but throw dirt at the PM since Scheer became the leader, hoping something will stick. 8/12
Watching him on TV today, he looked so excited. Positively giddy. He looked like he thought he was finally going to get to be PM. Maybe he thinks if he can overthrow the Liberals, the CPC will let him stay as leader for another election... 9/12
But, apart from the optics being bad, and the PMO communications people really falling down again, there doesn't seem to be much of a scandal. No one was going to make money from this. The Trudeaus were not profiting. WE's expenses were being covered, as one would expect. 10/12
I have heard rumours that other charities got their noses out of joint about not being considered. And that may play into this uproar. But, if the civil service recommended WE, and they may well have because it's a good fit, then where's the fire? 11/12
I am just very tired of the CPC chirping away, playing gotcha politics, not working with the government to make things better for Canadians during this difficult time. It just really doesn't feel like they are actually interested in the public good... 12/12
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