So I decided, whatever, may as well read this Iran-China trade agreement. You can read it all here if you want:

It's not even long. It's less than 20 pages. Starts off with a preamble, the two great ancient nations of China and Iran etc. etc. etc.
Summary of the aims of the deal. Expanding economic cooperation, knowledge transfer, tourism et al., expanding the cooperation between universities and scientific institutions, and defence cooperation. Nothing really that strange but of course these are generalities.
Alright, moving on... and OH, what do we have here. "Cooperation in the banking sector with high standards, emphasizing the use of national currencies (i.e. NOT US DOLLARS) and combating money laundering and the funding of terrorism and organized crime."
With mutual interests in mind with regards to belt and road initiative, the two parties will engage in bilaterial and multi-lateral cooperation with neighboring countries. and in preserving this multilateral cooperation, they must defend from illegal pressures from third parties!
Any amendments to the above provisions must be met with the mutual approval of both parties.
This is just lists different sectors that should be developed etc. Part in red interests me most: "cooperation in developing industrial/service/technology centers in ports and islands, chosen with the aim of joint production and export of services & goods to regional countries."
This action right here: Discussions on establishing a "ziyarati" (pilgrimage) rail link running through Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
China will be involved in constructing industrial facilities along the Makran coast, as well as the construction of tourist destinations.
Discussions re: potential cooperation on developing software; operating systems for PCs and smartphones, web browsers, etc... There is so much potential (and utility) for this in Iran, and China is very strong in this field due to the so-called "great firewall."
Among the bases for cooperation is "the mutual reduction of poverty and implementation of development projects in regions which are less developed." Allusions to the reduction of poverty is made a number of times in the agreement, as should be in any economic program.
Here is the bit about defence cooperation. No mention of Chinese troops being stationed in Iran, whatsoever (as the rumors have been going). Mentions strategic cooperation, joint training, counter-terrorism, knowledge transfer, and joint maneuvers. Nothing strange at all.
"The purchase of jointly produced Iranian-Chinese aerospace products and developing the supply chain consisting of Iranian companies"
"Talks regarding the need and possibility of forming a joint company for international sea transit" ... "Using China's experience in public-private partnership housing projects in overseeing the construction of housing and and especially, low income housing."
I like cultural stuff so I must include this: "Supporting centers for learning Persian and Chinese language and literature within universities." (We have all seen how well Ambassador Chang Hua speaks Persian)
Here's where I suppose they got the "we're selling Kish!" talking point from. "Encouraging and supporting Chinese investment in the special economic zones of I.R. Iran, especially in the Qeshm, Arvand, and Maku free trade zones."
Remember: the very idea of the special economic zone is rooted in sovereignty. Countries that are not sovereign, their entire territory is a special economic zone. US does not beg Mexico to make free trade zones, because they already invest wherever in Mexico they want.
"Investment in the clean energy sector, especially in the vast desert areas, and exporting the produced energy to neighboring countries as well as storing gas in the desert."
This is particularly important given the sanctions against the Iranian health sector: "Investment in joint production of advanced healthcare products in IRI along with the transfer of technology."
Alright, so... I read the whole thing. If you have finished this thread, you have read some of the points I have highlighted. If you want to read the whole thing, scroll up to click on the link.

Now, it is not my business to tell you who to trust and who to mistrust.
But whatever you have in your mind, hopefully, should be based on the realities in the field.

You want to mistrust China, feel free.

But you cannot say that China is the same as the USA, because this is not consistent with the realities in the field.
Look at this document, for example, which has caused such an uproar. For what? Joint production of such and such? Knowledge transfer of such and such? Defence cooperation? Cooperation in such and such sector? Various cultural cooperations?
The most "egregious" part of all of this is the Chinese investment in our special economic zones. Guess what: that's why we have special economic zones. To attract foreign investment while retaining economic sovereignty.

Why this people were never whining about the "Total" deal?
Overall, from what I can see, this deal is very much beneficial for Iran. And others, who know far more than myself, have said the same.

But we have such a gharbzadeh mind that we can't even see the reality for what it is.
International politics is not a zero-sum game. In fact, I am still of the belief that if the US wanted, it could establish mutually beneficial ties with Iran. It's not impossible, is it? The only reason why it won't happen is because they have a disease which does not allow them.
They have a disease.

But we don't. We can pursue relations with other sane countries which are mutually beneficial.

China is the premier economic power in the world; if we can pursue economic, scientific, and other cooperation on a mutually beneficial level, why not?
And I will just leave this here. It is not of direct relevance to this agreement but I don't care. This is a poem written by Zhu Yuanzhang, the man who established the Ming dynasty (which is viewed as the Chinese golden age, or one of them at least).
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