i was on a trip this week to the rockies. we met lots of cool people from a variety of life journeys.

one of the things that we heard the most from people was how their lives are drastically being changed by intense weather shifts (climate change)
we met some rock hunters who faked about how finding rocks is harder & how ecological devastation & destruction is ruining their hobby and research
we met people working at a camp who mentioned how the bigger & bolder storms were impacting how their camp functions & how they get electricity to camp. they also mentioned how changing seasons and dramatic highs & lows impacted how long camp was in session
we met backpackers who talked about how they have had to shift their trips a lot over the past few years and (from personal experience) the trail conditions being at their worst due to storms.
today we met with a relative who’s a rancher in western South Dakota and he mentioned how much money he is losing due to droughts, floods, storms, food markets crashing, etc.
this just reminded me that we are doing our work for a reason. but more importantly, it reminded me that we need to keep pushing bold climate policies to protect & keep fighting for people in bipoc communities, low income communities, rural communities, and frontline communities
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