I see that lots of centrists are trying to explain that it's actually a good thing for Labour to be 10pts behind in the latest YouGov poll.

This is an odd thing to see, given that many centrists thought it wasn't good enough when Labour was 5pts ahead on average in May 2019
As someone who didn't vote for Starmer but who does want to see Lab succeed, I feel I should point out 2 facts:

1) Starmer has made gains since becoming Leader. Compared to April, Lab is up 7pts, Starmer is up 13pts in Best PM and he's up 10pts in approval. All good.
2) Lab is still not ahead.

The Tories' average share of the vote (44% so far in July) is just 1pt below what it was in 2019.

Boris is still 8pts ahead in Best PM & more voters approve of him (42%) than in December 2019 (38%).

These stats are not good. But we have made progress
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