thinking about tape Brian Lehrer played 4 DiBlasio of distraught/angry working Mom who said she didn’t build a prof career 2 have it derailed by schools staying shut down -wondering why essential workers could get child care & she couldn’t [becuz no 1 listened 2 Angela Davis]
Fearing this is harbinger of putting women against each other in the face of incompetence by MEN. absent mobilization of resources for citizens ie Federal Defense Act — instead of Hunger Games scrambling for resources by states & individuals
worried we will see media stories about “professional” working Mom’s angry at teachers (ignoring that many of them are also working parents) for refusing to go into classrooms.
all of which takes away from WM incompetence in WH and the fact that our political system has long been ignorant about and unkind to children and mothers. encouraging women instead to Lean In on a system of “helpful” fathers, co-parenting & accommodating bosses 4 the lucky few.
while all other parents else scramble, overworks and prays for relief. / finis
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