Being on money twitter is in many ways

Like being in a party

And just like at a party

While everyone wants to have fun

There are certain norms to be followed

My first thread is here

~ How to Ace the Money Twitter Party ~
If you’re new to money twitter,

It’s like coming to a party

Where you dont know anyone.

When you get to a party

And you dont know anyone,

Do you just stand in a corner and start talking?

Same on money twitter

Dont worry too much about tweeting

Join existing conversations
When you join a conversation

Don’t just nod or say “yes!” from time to time

Or laugh

Be a part of the conversation


Ask a question if you don’t know something

That’ll get you into the group

And after a couple of times,

You’ll start being remembered
Don’t just think about value though

Take interest in people.

Most of your friends IRL won’t get any of this

Your twitter fam always will
After being at the party for a while

You’ll notice that there are some people

That it’s easier for you to connect with

Invest in these connections

Money twitter isnt just about knowledge

And selling stuff

It’s about supporting the crew

Picking each other up when we need it
The money twitter party

Also has some back rooms

They’re for members only

And you’ll see a big sign on the door saying

“Engagement Group”

Engagement groups are a bunch of people

Who support each other

And have your back

Join one as soon as you can
Now, in a real life party

You probably wouldn’t go around boasting

“I did this, I did that”

This is one of the few ways

That the twitter party is different

We all want to hear about those wins

Give ‘em to us

We never get tired of it
You’ll start noticing very quickly

There are different groups of hustlers

Affiliates, flippers, ecommers, dropshippers

Try to look for people in your niche

Some of the best advice I got about hustling

Came from twitter, not ebooks
Just like with a real life party

The twitter party’s got booze

Only that our booze

Comes in the form of ebooks

But just like booze

There’s some nasty sh*t

That’ll get you regretting last night

So be choosy with your ebooks
I could go on

And I’ve got a bunch of stuff I edited out

But just like a good party

Every thread must end.

I will say this though

Once you join this party, you’ll never leave,

Though someone might say “Go home, you’re drunk”

Making threads about money twitter and parties
You can follow @TheJonKahn.
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