THREAD: In 2002 I came out to my mom. I was in the UK at the time so I did it on the phone. I cried. She sadly told me I was going to hell if I didn't change. She said some other not nice things that I won't repeat. We didn't talk for years after that.
In 2003 I was about to have a civil partnership to my wife and she sent me a card / letter saying that Satan was whispering in my ear and I had to reject him or we'd never be reunited in heaven. I got it the day before our ceremony and it was HARD
In about 10 years pass. Her mom (my grandma) died. We had always been close but she was also told by her faith that I was going to hell, so we didn't talk much those last years. I decided to fly back for the funeral, knowing I'd see my mom for the first time since coming out
Mom seems to have realised that it's not a phase, I'm not changing, and if she doesn't do something she'll lose me too. So she digs deep and reaches out. It's tentative at first, but she's trying hard to be accepting / supportive.
The next year we agree that Wife and I will fly over for a visit. And stay at their house. In the same room. In the same bed. We're nervous but go. And it'
We all get to know each other and right before we leave my mom takes us for lunch at Red Lobster (chedderbay biscuits am I right?!?)
She tells the waitress that she's taking her daughter and her DAUGHTER IN LAW out for a farewell meal.

Y'all. I nearly cried right there. I did cry later.
Fast forward to today, we are still all on good terms. It's my wife's birthday and she sends this...
I guess I just wanted to say that we're all on a journey. My mom over came her fear and ignorance about being LGBTQ and learned to focus on her love for her daughter. Evolution is possible. And love really is love.
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