1) 🤔I guess you can’t push a vaccine on something that already has one, nor control the test, and in turn the hysteria. Early on, I stated that these used to be called “viral pneumonia”, they just gave it a name.
2) Well, there are plenty of other viruses “waiting to be named”, but only when convenient. ;) when you control the test and the criteria of what a #case means, you control the hysteria-
3) now back to H1N1- Can someone please remind me of the criteria for an epidemic/pandemic? (according to CDC FluView 2019-2020 season).
7) Fauci let this cat out of the permafrost bag has been immeasurable. This is why you hear NOTHING about the REAL perpetual pandemic. Only this CoV which was also made by our friends. The reigns need to be tightened, tied and knotted once and for all.
8) Rebranding Spanish Flu, Swine Flu doesn’t take away from the fact that the genomes match. When Kawaoka was running it through animal models to make it robust, in 2005 a kid caught it from one of his pigs in Wisconsin. This wasn’t because the pig was naturally infected,
9) it was inoculated for GOFR. This is where the rebranding came from. Think Jurassic Park for microbes. I, for one, am sick of it, it’s my field! Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. @potus #CrimesAgainstHumanity #RedfieldFauciMedicalMafia @CeliaFarber
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