0) A broken team and a broken heart: a {THREAD} about FPL, mentality, emotions and owning up to your decisions.

This is the story I need to write and, from what I've seen on my twitter feed, a story that some of you might need to read.

Topics in this thread:

#FPL #fplsverige

▪️Unlimited transfers

This story starts when the Priemier League and FPL paused. I continued to use my FT's in order to have a stronger team if and when FPL would return. When I read the news of managers getting unlimited transfers at the restart..
2) I got annoyed. It felt unfair to the managers who had stayed active and planned ahead.

When FPL paused I was rank 1, albeit only by 7 points, in my mini league with decent cash prize (might be a factor in my decision making). At the time writing this I'm 7 trailing 62 points.
3) Unlimited transfers and DGW. First things first, even though it felt unfair, everyone played by the same conditions.

I spent a whole lot of time researching and listening to other managers opionion on twitter, youtube, podcasts etc. and came to the conclusion I'd play my BB..
4) in GW30+ while using unlimited transfers and then use my WC in 31+. In my opinion there were a consensus view that we should get players from teams that have something to play for and that when Liverpool secured the title they would rotate heavily. Even though I had a strong..
5) feeling Klopp wouldn't rotate too much and Salah really wanted to go for the golden boot again I let these opinions get the better of me. I proceeded to go without Liverpool attackers even though I'd owned both Salah and Mané basically the entire season. I filled my BB team..
6) with 3 players from Sheffield and Villa because they had something to play for, while also stacking up on 3 Arsenal players even though they faced City in one of the games. Apart from the obvious 3 City guys. My judgement got clouded and I was blinded by the DGW/BB plan.
7) My BB ended resulted in 10 points, and honestly I was lucky to even get that since 8 came from a Nyland CS against SHU.

Here's the thing, even though I got heavily influenced by FPL-twitter etc. I was the one making these choices. I decided to go against my gut regarding..
8) Liverpool rotation. I decided to bring in 3 Villa assets even though there's a reason they're fighting the relegation battle.

Moving on to my WC. I had Pope in every draft, but after consuming a lot more FPL media I basically swapped him to Patricio and Saïss to C. Taylor..
9) to "cover" Burnley defense that way. The problem with this was that I basically never played Taylor because I felt I had better defender options. So he's been sitting on my bench, racking up points. Again, I went against my instincts and it backfired. Don't get me wrong..
10) a lot of times the FPL community has helped me make up my mind and make the correct decisions and I love FPL-twitter. But these are just some of the few times I haven't trusted myself and gotten punished for it, and it has made it so much harder to swallow. I've been..
11) genuinely sad and frustrated.

Then there's FOMO, fear of missing out. I put Jiminez and Son in my WC team because in my small FPL bubble it felt like everyone were bringing them in. That's something I need to take into account, what I see is far from the majority of FPL.
12) I've also been holding players longer than I usually do. Since I up'd my twitter consumption my FOMO has increased.

Captaincy. Here's were things really started to go downhill. I've had so many captaincy blanks this season, and I've missed all of Brunos hauls. This is my..
13) biggest problem and after several C blanks I kinda just "snapped" and started to do things I never tend to do.

I've had 3 United players in my team since WC, but I've had the wrong ones, except Bruno. Rashford and Pogba were the other two. But when I snapped I sold DCL &..
14) Pogba for a hit in order to bring in Kane (c) and Douglas Luiz as an enabler. Removing a United player ahead of their game against Villa is just plain stupid, especially when I think 3 are needed. To do so in order to bring in an out of form player from an out of form team..
15) is insane. Of course it backfired. I followed this up with making an early transfer, which is something else I dislike, in order to ditch Jiminez for Vardy after Wolves disappointing 1-0 loss in the 93:d minute (double defence).

I've felt sad, disappointed, hopelessness. .
16) and been close to giving up. But now I'm determined to finish what I've started and see this season through. I've got to learn from my mistakes, and there's been plenty of those lately. Its back to basics these last game weeks. No more taking hits, no more early transfers..
17) no more maverick captaincies, no more feeling sad. It's time for me to bring back the FPL I fell in love with, that brought joy and thrill to watching the games. I'm rebooting!

I went on a rambling spree in this thread but what I want to say is this:

Play your game, trust..
18) your gut, don't let FPL fuck up your emotions and wellbeing (too much), learn from your mistakes and try to make better decisions. Take feedback and input from the FPL-sphere but remember that it's a small part of FPL. Have a good time and be happy, you can still play..
19) play seriously and be competitive.

Disclaimer: I now own up to my decisions, the good and the bad.

I hope some of you found this interesting and wish you all a good GW with green arrows.

Would love if you'd like and RT, and want to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading!
You can follow @OliverJohnsson.
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