Shitbag white Brazilian Donata Meirelles resigned from Vogue Brazil last year after her slavery nostalgia 50th bday party. She is doing fine & posting fake solidarity IG posts & works as a consultant.Tell me again how racist white Latinxs so "different" than U.S. racists?
Hola! spread in 2013 showing the most rich/powerful/white families in Colombia. Pic is of various GENERATIONS of racist shitbags. Complete w/ Black women as fixtures &accessories to their psychotic white whims.But pls go on abt how Latin American racism is "so different"
A mag did a "spoof" on the spread and of course couldn't resist perpetuating yet another Black femme stereotype of hyper and over-sexualization. Black women can only be highlighted and valuable if pleasing to the white gaze. Textbook shit. But yes Latin America is "so different"
2013 Brazil. But yes "Latin America -mestizaje, mixed, we aint got racism, that's the U.S. we don't do exactly the same things like control the government, media, and all positions of power and erase and intentionally violate our Black & indigenous populations. No sir-ee"
Then the magazine cover w a white woman in "African clothing"for Black Colombian month surrounded by Black men. Then that white Colombian that won Miss Afro & admitted she just did the contest to get the prize scholarship money while some AfroColombians actually defended her
And Black Latin American women face higher levels of maternal mortality, lower life expectancy (13-15 years shorter as @jwpanama told me), femicide, intimate partner violence. BUT! HOW! Latin Americans don't go by racial terms! We is a rainbow happy family! Weird innit?
Then Latinos come on like "a gringa talking about Latin America." That's their textbook argument. Nothing else. Ok. Still racist. Ive always been transparent abt my positionality as a child of Panamanian immigrants + spent some childhood in Panama+currently living in Panama
“Blanca para casar - White woman to marry (status/honor)
Mulata para el sexo - Mulatta for sex
Negra para trabajar” - Black woman to work
“Blanco es una profession- White is a profession
Mulato es un oficio - Mulatto is a trade
Negro es una salación/maldicion” - Black is a curse/malediction
“Negro con dinero, mulato; - Black with money, mulatto
Mulato con dinero, blanco; -Mulatto with money, white
Blanco, siempre blanco,” -White is always white
Widely known Latin American sayings. The last one is also said in kreyol. I know Haiti is in Latin America but just reiterating.
"Busca una negra para la suerte" (Get a Black woman for luck) I've heard in Cuba. "Negro de salir" (A Black that you can take outside, as in respectable enough to take somewhere w/ u ) Cubans still say this to "compliment" a Black man if they are dressed well. Oftentimes in jest.
"Negro PERO fino, Negra PERO bonita" Black BUT refined/ Black BUT pretty) Qualifiers as if one is overcoming their condition of being Black by being "refined" and "pretty." It's so pervasive when I challenge the saying to Black Latinxs they're like...Oh! Shit! Damn. You right
Black Cuban Luis Delfin went to Tuskegee, HBCU (created bc Black ppl cldnt go to white unis) bc he cld not get a degree in his country,went back to Cuba constructed Black Cuban social club Atenas bc whites had their own social clubs that did not allow Black Cubans SAME SAME
And in that photo there are folks from Haiti, San Andres, Japan. Like. Whatever anyways. Lemme go do my chanting. My husband already said to stop speaking to y'all so crudely bc he know how I get. LMAOOOOO
I won't. But still.
"La Culona" Cuban carnaval "character," a costume usually worn by a man. Black woman, headscarf, big butt/breasts & necklace around her neck signaling the Yoruba spirituality. I see Venus Hottentot + similar to U.S. stereotypes. But it's Latin America so it's "different" 🤓🤓
Ro*alia is just a modern-day Carmen Miranda. Profiting off aesthetics that have absolutely NOTHING to do with them& getting paid handsomely while doing it. Miranda was Portuguese. Her dad migrated to Brazil (Rio) during the Brazil's whitening campaigns & opened a business.
HIGHEST PAID ACTRESS appropriating Bahianas. Carmen Miranda has NOTHING TO DO WITH BAHIA. AT ALL. Her dad didn't like her "slumming" in entertainment. R*salia was "professionally" trained as a musician. Both only got famous biting off Black women. The cycle of white mediocrity
Literally WEARING Black women. Negras are photographed to hell on y'alls vacations. Y'all pose w fruit on ur head not caring the Colombian police routinely harass Palenqueras bc their "informal" labor is not respected. Yet folks fly to Cartagena to take photos with them.
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