I have great concern that many today who call themselves Christian conservatives are in fact pulling the church away from those things we must be conserving: worship from sincere hearts, reverence for the Scriptures as Word of God, the pursuit of holiness as a way of life, etc..
I attribute much of these trends to the abandonment of Scriptural holiness as God's gift and requirement, and also to the irreverent way Scripture is used like as arsenal from which to draw weapons for the purpose of defeating others on the battleground of selected issues.
Let us see the Bible as a garden we enter to fellowship with God and let us see it as a mirror for removing the beam in our own eyes, and let us see it as the furnace and anvil God uses to re-form us into His image. Let us never see it as an object or tool under our own control.
Let the list of things to conserve include love for all including our enemies, humility, compassion without prejudice, reconciliation, restitution, peace-making, transforming encounters with God. These seem to be slipping away and they must be conserved and passed on.
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