Been watching tweets about people kicking off for being asked to wear a mask and thinking that the real line of charity towards others isn't what you are prepared to give so other people can thrive but what you are prepared to give up.
When things are distributed unevenly or when your actions might negatively impact others it's what you are prepared to give up that makes a difference. I don't mean change is all about sacrifice, but do mean recognising where your desires are not more important than others needs
In the case of masks and Covid, reducing the chance you could pass something on to others should be an easy choice. An almost effortless act of responsibility. To not do so is the most peculiar form of selfishness, a refusal to give up a tiny 'freedom'
I keep thinking about privilege and the idea that the privileged person can 'give' something to someone else while still keeping the bulk of it for themselves. But feels like to me that just stopping doing something or not taking something so someone else can have it is more true
I think people find it hard to give up freedoms like not wearing a mask because they feel their autonomy is compromised. What is needed is defined by needs of others not by their own desires and ideas. Doing what someone else needs is different from deciding to do a good deed
Doing what someone else needs you to do, or not doing a thing so someone else's life is better, must feel uncomfortably passive to people who make their way through world feeling it's their will and choices that make things work. Difference between giving gifts and being kind
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