History consists of a fluid migration of people from point A to point B. History is also the collection of endless battles and conquests. Few lands have been held by the same peoples throughout all of recorded history. Hence, the notion that we should engage in an infinite
forensic historical accounting (but only for certain groups and not others) is an affront to history let alone justice. If we are to return every parcel of land to some "original owner" then I promise you that the location from which you are reading this is "stolen." Get out now!
An alternate and sane approach is to recognize that human history is DEFINED by such fluid historical realities. We can acknowledge history but ultimately move on. There is a statute of limitations in wallowing in endless victimhood. I don't hold all people from the Middle East
responsible for the fact that my family had to leave Lebanon, and lose everything including our home to Noble Folks. I recognize that it is part of the regrettable history of my life and I MOVE ON. Collective Munchausen and the "I'm a victim therefore I am" mindset shackles
people into a prison of self-pity. All peoples can look to the past and rightfully raise some grievances (albeit some peoples score higher on objective victimology). Healthy individuals and healthy societies acknowledge their past without being a prisoner to it. A culture
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