Sitting in his bedroom after another fight with Kirishima, Bakugo jumps a little when there's a tiny rap on the patio door. Twisting around, he stares at the curtain for a few moments, his stomach twisting into a knot, a spark of warmth and relief igniting in the center of his
chest. He hesitates, his hands curled into tight fists. There's another rap on the door, this one a little wider. Bakugo presses his lips into a thin line, his gaze jumping between the patio door and the bedroom door. The unease coiling in his stomach wasn't loosening its hold on
him but...the need to see him, to touch him, to kiss him, hold him was becoming unbearable. Finally, after a third rap, this one louder than the last, Bakugo got to his feet, walked over to the patio and pulled open the curtains. Standing outside, just barely illuminated by the
street lamps below, looking just as hesitant as he felt, was Deku. They stared at each other through the glass for what felt like an eternity then, slowly, Bakugo pulled the door open. A rush of cold air flooded into the room. Exhaling sharply, Deku lunged forward, throwing his
muscular arms around Bakugo's shoulder. He caught him instinctively, squeezing him even closer. Burying his face into his soft hair - still just as fluffy and out of control as it was when they were in high school, he dragged in a deep breath, filling his lungs with Deku's scent.
Together, unable to break free from each other, they stumbled back to the bed. Bakugo shoved Deku down onto it, crawling up on top of him. Dipping down, capturing his mouth in a rough, possessive kiss, moaning low in his throat as his sweet taste flooded across his tongue, Bakugo
smoothed his hands all over Deku's chest, his stomach and thighs, touching everywhere he could reach. Deku moaned softly, thrusting his chest encouragingly up into Bakugo's hands. Shivering with excitement, Bakugo shoved his hands underneath Deku's, adoring the sensation of his
hot skin against his palms. Roughly squeezing his pecs, crushing his nipples underneath his hands, Bakugo nipped at Deku's bottom lip before trailing a line of kisses down his throat to his chest. Taking one of his nipples between his teeth, he lightly nibbled on it as he reached
down to yank open the front of Deku's pants. Doing this in a rush so many times had given him the nimbleness to not even need to look to get his pants open. Pushing a hand inside, he squeezed Deku's cock through his underwear.
'K-Kacchan-!' Deku gasped wetly, grinding against
the palm of his hand. He curled his fingers into the back of his shirt, rolling and bucking his hips. Panting heavily, his head already swimming with desire, fat droplets of sweat standing out prominently on his forehead, Bakugo yanked down Deku's pants, allowing his rigid,
sopping wet cock to bounce free. Bakugo reached over to the bedside table to yank open the drawer. As he was fishing a bottle of lube out, Deku wasted no time in getting his pants open and his cock out. A low moan rippled out of his throat when his hot, calloused wrapped around
his length, stroking him off with an enthusiasm that was going to very quickly make him cum. Despite that, Bakugo paused for a moment, staring down at Deku's flushed, openly wanting face. Hazy green eyes, blazing with a desperate need, a fervent lust, flickered up to meet his
'K-Kacchan...' Deku breathed. His soft, husky voice sent a ripple of super heated pleasure rolling through him. His cock twitched excitedly in Deku's hole. Gulping head, head spinning, a wildfire burning in his belly, Bakugo grabbed hold of Deku's jaw, holding onto it
tightly as he bent down for another kiss. Pushing the stupidly cute bastard back onto the bed, Bakugo pulled away, stood up and grabbed Deku's legs, shoving them open. He ripped his pants off all the way, leaving him nude from the waist down. If they had had more time, he
would've completely stripped them but there was no telling when Kirishima would get back. Bakugo paused. Usually, the thought brought on a wave of anxiety - his mind would race with what he would do if Kirishima came back early or if they were caught. Today, though, the thought
only brought a wave of bitter annoyance. Knowing that he had no choice than to be quick; knowing that he couldn't fully indulge himself; knowing that as soon as they were done, Deku would leave and he would have to watch him go, this want, this desire...this love eating away at
him until the thought of letting him slip out of his arms one more time was enough to make him want to obliterate this supposedly happy home he had built with infuriated him. Cold rage burned in the center of his chest, demanding to be noticed, for him to do
something, anything about it!
'Kacchan?' Deku said softly, looking up at him with obvious concern.
Blinking rapidly, realizing that he had just been staring vacantly off into space, Bakugo shook his head. He hated it...but right now, there was nothing to be done about it.
Squeezing some lube onto his fingers, he made quick work of prepping Deku, hungrily watching his expression as he panted and writhed on the bed. Scarred, calloused fingers clutched at the sheets. His freckles stood out prominently on his flushed red face. Staring down at him,
Bakugo was struck - not for the first time - by just how beautiful he was...and how much of an idiot he was for not realizing it before. Shaking his head again, determined not to linger on regret right now, Bakugo slipped his fingers out of Deku's softened, drenched hole.
He curled his fingers around the base of his cock, stepping forward to press the tip insistently against Deku's hole. Before he could thrust in, finally connecting them, Deku reached out.
'Wait-!' He gasped. When Bakugo looked up at him, Deku glanced down at his other hand,
curled loosely around his hips then those bright, beautiful green eyes flickered up to meet his gaze, 'Y-Your ring...'
Bakugo blinked, looking down at his hand as well. Right...he had been so eager to get started that he had completely forgotten. Deku didn't insist on much,
rather, he pretty much let Bakugo do as he pleased but removing his wedding ring before they had sex was always something he requested. Slowly taking his hand away from Deku's hip, Bakugo held it out in front of him, staring down at the band of gold. At first, it had been hard
to take it off, to set it aside - seeing it on the bedside table or the kitchen counter was always a cold stab of guilt and shame but the more this affair continued, the easier it became to remove it...and the harder it became to put it back on. He thought it was because of the
guilt - that watching the gold band slide back down his finger was a act of betrayal all in itself and while that still rung true in a way, that symbolized everything he had come to despise
'Kacchan, are you alright?' Deku asked quietly, 'Do you want to stop?'
Sliding the ring off his finger, he dropped it onto the bedside table. Turning his attention back to Deku, he offered a small smirk, curled his hands tight around his hips and slammed forward, driving his cock inside the tight, waiting warmth. Throwing his head back, sending
sweat drenched locks flying everywhere, Deku moaned and gasped and panted as he roughly pounded into him, positioning his thrusts just right to rub against his sweet spots. Intense, electric pleasure roared through his veins. His balls hung heavy between his legs, aching and
tingling. Deku's hole clamped down tightly around him, sucking him in deeper when he pushed in then squeezing him when he pulled out. Precum flooded out of Deku's cock, creating a puddle on his toned stomach. His muscular legs curled loosely around him, anchoring them together.
Every other breath Deku let out was either a chant of his name or that gorgeously strained 'good!' or 'more!' that he could never get enough of. Watching him, peering closely at his face, batting his hands away when he tried to hide, Bakugo distantly wondered what he would do if
Deku every found someone to settle down with. Instinctively, that train of thought was followed by an image of Deku in a suit, walking down the aisle into someone else's arms; Deku lying underneath someone else, clinging to them just as he was clinging to him...Deku saying
someone else's name in that breathy, adoring tone; Deku looking at someone else in the same way that he looked at him...Deku being someone else's...
Red flooded across his vision. Bile flooded up his throat, burning the sensitive linings. His heart lurched painfully. Choking out
a strangled grunt, Bakugo stopped mid-thrust. Rage burned all the way from his esophagus to the base of his spine. Calloused hands landed on his shoulder. Deku's voice came from far away, asking if he was alright. Gasping, his chest painfully tight, Bakugo wondered...was this how
Deku felt...when he learned he and Kirishima were together? That they were getting married? All he could remember was smiles, enthusiastic congratulations, encouragement and happiness for them...
Had Deku watched him walk into someone else's arms and experienced this?
Had he hidden it behind a smile? Waited until he was alone, out of earshot, then let out all his grief?
Bakugo shakily set his hands on the bed, lifting his head to look into Deku's wide, concerned eyes.
What did he do when he left his side? Was this painful for him? Had he...
Had he made him cry? Bakugo slowly reached up to brush the pad of his thumb over Deku's warm, round cheek. many times had he made him cry? How much misery had he brought him by doing this? Deku was always quiet, allowing him to do as he wished, allowing him to take as
much as him as he wanted and what...what had he given him? Snapshots of the life they could've had together? A taste of a dream? Did it kill him every time he had to walk away, knowing that he would be walking straight back to Kirishima with his scent still clinging to him?
That as soon as he was gone, the ring would slide back down onto his finger, a reminder for both of them just how badly they had fucked up?
How many times had he cried over him? How many times had he told himself 'this will be the last time'?
How much longer would he allow this
to go on before his conscience caught up with him?

What was he going to do...when Deku insisted they return to being just friends? When he slipped out of his arms for the last time?

Bakugo swallowed hard, his throat producing a dry click. Inhaling sharply, he leaned down to
brush a soft kiss against Deku's lips. Lowering himself on top of him, Bakugo wrapped his arms firmly around Deku's muscular figure. He began to move again, holding Deku close as he rammed into him. A steady flow of moans poured into his ears. Deku clung to him, his blunt nails
digging into his back. He always told him not to leave marks - Kirishima would easily notice - but today, he couldn't bring himself to care. Panting heavily, hating his encroaching orgasm, Bakugo tried to hold it off for as long as he could but all too soon, Deku was crying out,
his hips straining up off the bed, splattering both of them with his cum. Bakugo was quick to follow, thrusting forward to drive his cum deep inside. They collapsed together onto the bed, tangled limbs and harsh breaths.
They stayed like that for longer than usual but the sound
of a car door closing nearby had Deku up and flying around the room, throwing his clothes back on. Bakugo watched him silently, that gnawing want rearing its ugly head again. He kept a close eye on Deku's face, watching for any sign of sadness or grief. When he saw none, he
wondered if it was just him. Had he concocted this sort of complicated relationship? Was he the only one who felt this strongly? The thought made him itch. Deku not loving him in return...he felt like he might throw up.
'Kacchan.' Deku said softly to get his attention.
Jolting up, Bakugo's heart sunk into his stomach at the sight of Deku, fully dressed, perched out on the patio, seconds away from darting off. Sighing heavily, he got to his feet and walked over to join him. Deku's eyes widened in surprise. Usually, this was when he was getting
dressed as well or hiding other evidence of their encounter. Watching him go was too painful so he did whatever he could to busy himself. Stopping in front of him, Bakugo reached up to gently cup the sides of his face. He started to bend down but Deku jerked back, looking alarmed
'Someone might see us!' He whispered urgently, his gaze darting around.
'I don't care.' Bakugo replied tersely, 'Stay still and let me kiss you.'

...ah...there it was...

For the briefest moment, barely more than an eye blink, he saw it. His grief, his rage, his pain...
reflected in those big, bright, beautiful green eyes. Then, as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. Deku gently pushed him away, smiling slightly.
'I need to go, Kacchan. I'll see you later.'
Before Bakugo could react, Deku was gone, jumping across the patios until he could
drop down onto the street, safely out of view. Standing out on the patio, Bakugo watched him go until he disappeared, a screech of violent rage beating its head against the interior of his ribs. Silently, he turned, walked back into his bedroom and dressed. He sat back down onto
the bed, clasped his hands loosely together between his knees and stayed like that until he heard the door to their apartment open. After waiting a moment, he stepped out into the hallway, cocked his head to listen then went to the kitchen, where Kirishima was putting away some
groceries. He leaned against the doorjamb, crossing his arms over his chest. After pushing something into the drawer, Kirishima closed the fridge and turned to look at him.
'You're not wearing your wedding ring again.' Kirishima said quietly after a long, tense pause.
Bakugo slowly looked down at his hand. The first time he had forgotten to wear it had been...bad. He almost called the whole thing off with Deku. At the time, it hadn't really occurred to him why he kept doing it - while he kept calling him, seeking him out, dragging him in close
even though he knew it was wrong. Staring down at his hand, devoid of the ring Kirishima had slipped onto his finger three years ago, he had to wonder...

Did he truly not know or had he spent that long in denial?

Sighing softly, Bakugo pushed a hand through his hair.
He supposed now, it didn't really matter. What mattered right now was fixing this goddamn fucking mess. Straightening up, Bakugo turned and walked back into the bedroom. He picked his ring up off the bedside table. Kirishima was coming down the hall, towards him.
Letting his ring slide down into the palm of his hand, Bakugo stared at it. All of this was a mess that he knew he could've avoided if he had just been honest with himself in the past. Now...he didn't know if Deku would agree to this. He didn't want to hurt Kirishima but...
Bakugo set the ring back down onto the bedside table, letting his hand fall away from it. That would be the last time he would take that ring off.

If Deku would have him, he would never have to ask him to remove his ring ever again.
welp, it took all fucking day but that is this one finished!!

with that said, this is the end, friends! 🧜
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