My guess is a heck of a lot of you thought the following:

"Wow! I'd forgotten about that!"

And THAT is why Trump will win.

Go way, WAY back into the misty depths of time THREE WEEKS AGO, when we were being told that Trump needs to show calm, steady strength.

Trump hasn't changed.

His enemies have become so frenzied that they're bombarding us with too many claims and accusations to even remember.

Trump turns out to be the calm, steady one after all.
It goes on forever.

What's Trump doing?

Calmly fixing the economy, calmly rebuilding communities in crisis...and revealing.
Trump set up an international military task force that includes THE NETHERLANDS.

Military officers say that they FINALLY have everything they need.

And Trump keeps talking about new weapons, new technology, new capabilities.
Remember when Biden said that electing him was a "return to normalcy"?

Dear @TrumpWarRoom:

You have GOT TO rub Biden's slogan in his face.

"The chocolate ration is being increased from 16 grams to 12 grams! Hurrah!"

Normalcy with no cops, borders, or citizenship?!

Biden is pathology.

The day before yesterday, he said we're eliminating fossil fuels.

TODAY he says we're not eliminating fracking.

What the hell does THAT mean?

We're going to extract oil THAT WE'LL BE FORCED TO SELL TO OTHERS.

We do the work; China gets the rewards.


Simple question:

What's normal about the Democrats?

Give me ONE example.

And I don't mean normal for homeless people and criminals.
Trump is doing the right thing by allowing the berserkers to be berserk.



We're not in danger as a country.

The Democrats have made Trump THE ONLY CHOICE.

A vote for Biden is a world without law.

Except the law of total obedience.
Powell is trying to talk sense into insane people.


Simply engaging these people makes them angry.

They demand that you simply allow them into your house to destroy and steal.

ANY engagement is met with a torrent of profanity and threats.

But we're NOT Germans.

You know one of the major factors in the success of the Nazis?

Racial and ethnic homogeneity.

Our heterogeneity is our great strength. THERE IS NO "OTHER."

All of us are "other."
"White privilege"?

Farmers, college professors, iron workers, Wall Street tycoons, teachers, politicians, carpenters, artists, bull riders--all one happy family of whites?!

And what about our ethnic backgrounds?

Ask Irish Americans about "white privilege."
Trump stayed exactly the same, and he became the voice of calm reason by default.

The steady, reliable candidate with a simple platform and a record of massive success.

@TrumpWarRoom, you know what I think of to drive home the idea of Trump is the candidate of reason?
I grew up watching movies.

Many of the best have really effective montages of a frightened, confusion person walking or driving through increasing scenes of madness.

They're stylized, and they get increasingly frantic.

But I've never seen one end THIS way:
The person sees something up ahead, and his or her eyes light up.

They run or floor the accelerator, arrive, yank open the front door of the building, run inside, race to a booth, for Donald J. Trump.

And then they sigh in relief.
They look around, and everyone else is sighing with relief.

Everyone makes eye contact, they start laughing with relief (the way you laugh after surviving something horrible), and as the file out, they high-five and shake hands, etc.

That's just how I myself view the election.

Survival, relief, joy.

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