"Canada is not only trying to domesticate Indigenous Peoples, but also international law. Canadian federal Minister of Indian Affairs & Northern Development, Carolyn Bennett, at UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in May 2016 pretended to “announce on behalf of Canada" 1/4
"that we are now a full supporter of the Declaration without qualification.” Minister Bennett immediately contradicted this in next sentence by qualifying that: “We intend nothing less than to adopt & implement the declaration in accordance with the Canadian Constitution.” 2/4
"This clearly is a qualification which goes back 2 BNA Act 1867-It further tries 2 qualify & subjugate intern'l law 2 lesser nat'l standards-This is in violation of intern'l law: nat'l laws & policies should only b passed if they conform w/ intern'l law & not vice versa" 3/4
JOINT RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE INDIGENOUS NATIONS APPEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION - AUGUST 13, 2017: 4/4 https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=http://unsettling150.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Recommendations-Indigenous-Nations-CERD-August-13-2017.pdf&hl=en_US
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