It’s that time! Welcome back to another #Fuck12Friday. Today we are exploring funding in the @Chicago_Police Department. Just where does their funding come from?
You've all heard the calls to #DefundCPD and #AbolishPolice, and you likely also heard that CPD has an approximately $1.68 billion budget...nearly 40% of the city's budget #Fuck12Friday
But did you know it's not quite that simple and that police actually get funding and support from MANY other sources as well? #Fuck12Friday
We know that many of our Chicago communities suffer as funding goes to cops instead of investing in schools, mental health services, and other social supports. #Fuck12Friday
First, @injusticewatch found that Chicago has "nearly tripled per capita police spending since 1964" #Fuck12Friday
We‘be long known that police hiring and spending has nothing to do with so-called "crime" rates. Local police budgets around the country consistently increase each year-to-year regardless of levels of violent crime #Fuck12Friday
Second, did you know that $1.68 billion excludes federal grant funding of $81.3 million for bogus programs including COPS, "Community Oriented Policing Services" #Fuck12Friday
COPS is a program created by the 1994 Crime Act..."community policing" has always been a euphemism for "more cops" and "more money for cops" #Fuck12Friday"
Third, did you know that not all police-related expenditures actually appear in the city's budget? #Fuck12Friday
The city's contribution to the Police Pension Fund is about $737.5 million #Fuck12Friday
“Corporate Fund spending for the Police Department includes an appropriation of $82.6 million for payments for judgments and outside counsel related to police lawsuits” #Fuck12Friday @CivicFederation
"Historically, the City had budgeted for judgments and settlements outside the Police Department budget, and has also relied on the expensive practice of borrowing through bonds to cover settlements, making those payments difficult to track through budget data." #Fuck12Friday
"By most accounts, these settlements have been extremely costly—totaling $757 million from 2004 through 2018" #Fuck12Friday @civicfederation
what’s also got me fucked up is the fact that so many people and corporations (apart from the city) donate tons of money to @Chicago_Police and 1) they are corrupt and use it for their own gains and 2) they not even doing their job!!! #Fuck12Friday
@Indeed has estimated a CPD officer’s salary to be around $80,098 (based on employees, users, and past and present job advertisements in the past 36 months). That’s about $6,674 a month. This is NOT counting overtime! And yall still hosting fundraisers for CPD? #Fuck12Friday
The Chicago Police Foundation (CPF) also hosts their annual True Blue event as gala for wealthy and corporate sponsors of the CPD. #Fuck12Friday
Fundraisers like the annual True Blue Event every October (shoutout to @chicagosmayor, who was a speaker there last year, #LoriIsACop) In 2017, they raised over $500,000 for @Chicago_Police. #Fuck12Friday
American Airlines, @AmericanAIR, another sponsor for the annual True Blue event, also uses prison labor to answer phones for their call centers. #Fuck12Friday
@United Airlines, why don’t you DIVEST from CPD and other police departments instead of laying off 36,000 employees??? #DefundCPD #Fuck12Friday
Their sponsor, GPG Strategies, is so shady! They are “well positioned and deeply committed to providing you with personalized attention and the very best access, advice and intelligence.” They help your company “overcome regulatory and legislative hurdles” hmmm CPD #Fuck12Friday
Another True Blue CPF sponsor is the Sotos Law Firm. Sara Schroeder from @JSotos_Law also sits on the board. This is a way the give CPD money that gets paid back to them when they defend cops in brutality lawsuits. #Fuck12Friday
@Amazon will donate to CPD on your behalf if you pick them as your desired donating cause on . At the same time, Amazon markets facial recognition surveillance technology (Rekognition) for police. CPF links this Amazon portal on their website #Fuck12Friday
As if we needed more reasons to hate @amazon
The CPF also gives businesses and individuals a portal on their website to donate $100 to buy medic kits for certain cops in exchange for a tax write off. If they need private funding for first aid supplies, what is the $1.68 billion police budget paying for? #Fuck12Friday
@IllinoisLottery has set up scratch Blue Police Memorial Instant Tickets, the profits of which all have donated over one million dollars (to date) towards police memorials in Illinois. They don’t need your money!! #Fuck12Friday
Why is it so hard to find transparent information about the sponsors of the Chicago Police Department??? #KayTorshen, I’m looking at you! Shady ass nonprofit “private grantmaking” #Fuck12Friday #DefundCPD
@BankofAmerica ‘s Patricia Provenzano is Senior VP of the Chicago Police Foundation. Patricia, you out here donating to Alzheimer’s, mini horses, and @LaCasaNorte, can’t you see that your work with CPF makes it all redundant? Divest from CPD! #Fuck12Friday
@MotorolaUS donates to the @Chicago_Police and profits from selling body cams, radios, and other products to this and other police departments. #Fuck12Friday
Sport and entertainment franchises like the racist @NHLBlackhawks constantly showcase their dedication to law enforcement, such as with the sale of their thin line blue beanies, to support @Chicago_Police #Fuck12Friday
@Verizon and @BankofAmerica, among 8 other corporations, are recipients of a total of $18.6 billion in federal tax subsidies (reductions) because they fund police foundations like @Chicago_Police #Fuck12Friday
The national union, Fraternal Order of Police @GLFOP is having fits because their 351,000 “law” enforcement officers are suddenly taken aback by the #DefundthePolice demands all across the country. This union and Lori @chicagosmayor stand in the way of defunding CPD #Fuck12Friday
@Chicago_Police has a lot of friends. Many of them donate through their corporations. And a lot of us use the services provided by them without knowing that our money is going back to a racist, white supremacist police force trained to solve everything with violence #Fuck12Friday
When we demand to #DefundCPD, we know it’s going to take time but we won’t stop until they are #Fuck12Friday
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