Sathriyan (2017)

Downloaded only for kavin chettan. Extremely Happy to saw this at the opening of the movie. From its am pretty sure that this man have smart choice in script. The character is very significant althrough out the movie. Get nice introduction too

#Kavin #Lift
Unexpected entry at unexpected moment. The introduction gave a clue that at this crucial point this entry have a imp role to play. Introduction was done perfectly. So neatly portrayed by him. Looks like a medico student in attitude nd behavior

#Lift #Kavin
Chandran is an ideal youth. Free soul and highly passionate one. His views are as strong as his action. Through this he shows that not every man sees a lady with lust or anything like that. He stands for the innocent souls who just biased by prejudiced mind.

#Lift #Kavin
Turning point of the flim.dis is the time chandran get connected to the hero.But before itself his character capture place in audience mind.This character shows the ethics of a doctor& youth at same time. Widout thinking consequence he save the hero who is wounded

#Lift #Kavin
Chandran never hesitate to question the wrong. He put his 100 % in profession. He hate the idea of putting business inside life saving. An strong character that the youth can follow. Shows the quality which make him significant than hero throughout the movie

#Lift #Kavin
By letting niranjana inside the room to met guna, by arguing with the goon shows his presence of mind. And also when they thank him for saving life, he considered it as his work and put a smile litting the emotional moment to happier one

#Lift #Kavin
They are not the main characters, still they portrayed a bonding nd romance much better than guna nd niranjana. His smile and her shyness forms a blush in audience face. He can create romance even with out long 2 hr. He jus need mins to evoke romance onscreen #Lift #Kavin
Where ever he go or whatever he do, he gave frndship utmost priority. It's evidence is this convo. He is ready to do a life staking attempt for guna. His tiptop appearance and attire add charm to this scene .. way of talking to that cute smile in btw is treat to eyes. #Lift #Kavin
Facing the other side of life_ the death. Still he choose the safety of his frnd whom he share less days together. That sharp dialogue and the perfect modulation makes it remarkable. Exactly it create a despite feel on viewers and as an actor he succeed.

#Lift #Kavin
In short, chandran is a character that #Kavin chettan gave his best. Neatly performed character which have the power to surpass the protagonist. Dialogue delivery to expression it was a feast. His adaptation to character is very perfect and he is a versatile actor. #Lift #Kavin
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