I dont think Johnny Bravo would have voted for Trump.
Muriel and Eustace absolutely would have voted for Trump though.
Dexter's parents voted for Trump
Scrooge McDuck, shockingly, did not vote for Trump.
Timmy Turner's parents voted for Trump
Space Ghost voted for Trump.
Birdman did not.
DCAU Batman did not vote for Trump.
Scott Summers after some debate, did not vote for Trump. I know, it really seems like he would have.
Conversely, Jean Grey DID vote for Trump.

But not to worry it was actually a clone of her that did it.

The actual Jean Grey was off in space setting fire to an alien planet or some bullshit
Logan did not vote for Trump because hes Canadian
Deadpool did vote for Trump as a joke but it didnt count because hes also Canadian
Mephisto made Peter Parker vote for Trump to bring Aunt May back to life.
Blade did not vote for Trump but suspects he might be a vampire
Reed Richards did not vote for Trump but only because he was so busy in the lab he forgot what year it was, let alone that it was election season.
Sue Storm was an early Kamala supporter
The Thing tried to vote for Trump but kept breaking the pencil and left in frustration.
Johnny Storm was too hungover to vote.
Red Skull did not vote for Trump because he thinks he takes the Nazi thing too far
Matt Murdock did not vote for Trump.
Foggy Nelson had to be talked out of voting for Trump
Eddie Brock did not vote for Trump

But the symbiote did

While he was asleep
Norman Osborn was an early Trump donor but he clearly regrets it now.
Vulture, conversely, remains cluelessly ALL IN
Comics Danny Rand did not vote for Trump but MCU Danny Rand did and wants everyone to explain to him in his friend circle why they're upset about it constantly.
Deadpool wants to fuck Justin Trudeau and it's a real problem for the Canadian government.
Mystique voted for Hillary 2377 times.
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