Everyone is demanding Gotham Central and I'm just going to say it:

**** the police.
The police are only a third of Gotham's story if done correctly. I take that back. A quarter. The suits. The cops. The crooks. The capes. And they ALL need their time in the spotlight if you don't want to make your standard propaganda police procedural.
This is a chance to give Gotham a CULTURE. A HISTORY. Something that makes it more than a Disneyfied New York City with the fangs removed and the serial numbers filed off. Give the city dimensions. You have to move past the police.
And you have to show Gotham's truth. Gotham has a Batman because the police were nothing more than an organized gang. Not a few bad apples. An entire organization incapable of providing justice. Even to the richest white boy in the city.
Someone please give me an hour with @mattreevesLA. That's all I ask.
For some reason there are Matt Reeves fanboys in this thread argumentative as if I'm coming for him? Which...NAH. I love everything he's run with so far. I'm referring to the fan outcry for Gotham Central. Which I PLAINLY STATED in the first tweet.
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