I don't usually speak a ton about child support, because I don't feel like wading through the icky comments. But these rants around child support really wear me out. There needs to be a class on what child support is for b/c these ‘cs should go to the kid’ takes are tiring.
When a child lives w/one parent that one parent can no longer live in a one bedroom, can they?

So they have to pay more for more space, for your child. Your child requires more use of utilities, more house hold products, more detergent, more food, more everything-
not to mention the custodial parent is the person caring for and supervising the child majority of the time.

Imagine having a roommate who pays absolutely no rent or money for anything in the house- not their room or utilities, eats your food and uses all your products.
How much do you think that costs?

So the idea that CS should go straight to the kid (cuz honestly y’all just hate giving money to women you’re not with and you can not control) makes zero sense.

It also reeks of antiquated 'welfare Queen' tropes circa Reagan '88.
Idc if sib want's to get their nails or hair done, or a new outfit. As the custodial parent caring for your child full-time they deserve it.
Lastly child support is supposed to reflect the conditions of if the child was being raised with both parents in the house. So if you make more, yes- your child support goes up. It is not a plot to hold you down, or back.
and there may be some worthwhile complicating folks can do around the State involvement, etc. And State mandated CS isn't the only option- but if that's where the custodial parent is, then that's what it is. You don't get to guilt or blame them. Your child needs resources.
And heres the other kicker, non-custodial parents can petition for relief! Custodial parents can not.

Whatever you paying I promise it probably pales in comparison to the labor, time, and money the custodial parent puts in.
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