Thoughts on the Jodie Comer scandal:

A few teenage 'fans' who've been bitter about how much screentime Sandra Oh got last season compared to Jodie, managed to infiltrate Jodie's private IG account. They proceeded to scour through & look for something they could use against her.
They chose to target her relationship because that's where it would hit her hardest, as she keeps her private life to herself. They leakes some of her private IG pics AND exposed who her bf is, his social platforms, & get this...his supposed voter registration to incite everyone
against her, crafting a narrative that he is a Trumper and therefore they, and all of her fans, should cancel her because of her bf's suspected political view. Proclaiming that despite her consistent allyship of the lgbt and BLM communities that she must have been betraying them.
They excuse their blatant illegal actions as being Ok if it exposed her as some type of fraud.

KE has a very young fanbase & reputation for acting as judge & jury on the daily toward anyone they deem deserves it.
Meanwhile, many of those same fans enable are engaging in and enabling targeted bullying & harassment. Including violation of social media platform policies, copyright laws, and defamation to name a few.
They have no regard for the emotional, personal, and professional consequences of those they target. They become incensed if an outsider says anything about their favs but they feel God-like if they are the ones doing it.
The issues with this are obvious to anyone who's an adult. That just because we may not like what someone else does or believes, it doesn't give the right to invade their privacy. Hard stop. It's that simple.
They had an agenda and acted with intent to harm. When twitter suspended their account, they were already directing people to their backup.

For most of us, I think we understand coexisting & respecting others' right to privacy, no matter if we dislike their partner or views.
There's no telling how much truth there is to it. The offenders gaslit anyone who questioned them - a tactic teens use to defend themselves when they can't substantiate their actions. Those same people pretended to be mad when she began to get death threats.
As if their actions didn't directly lead to that. Death threats! Over her bf's 'suspected' political view. Let that sink in.

I ask you to please join me in asking @TwitterSupport @Twitter and @instagram to permanantly suspend all of the involved accounts.
You can follow @XenaWatch.
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