You are an antizionist Jew who acknowledges living on native land, your country participated in wars, oppression, colonialism, and genocide. You call yourself white in order to self flagellate and signal you're not like the bad ones but you are here to teach them.
You spend inordinate amount of time "organizing" where your presence is rather sad and meaningless, but pretend you've moved the needle on the wider community.
Your few representatives have mild to insignificant political success, and your activists barely known.
You have zero plans of disturbing any personal aspects of your life. You're certainly not vacating the home you live in, nor paying reparations to those you believe need it. Not in any significant manner. You say you want to change minds, but speaking over is more your speed.
You never felt war, famine, oppression, subjugation, isolation, in the most extreme form. Never gave your service for a cause larger than you. Never left a life behind just to feel the taste of being free & equal.
But here you are telling over 6 million jews theirs don't matter.
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