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"We all work with taboos what what kind of fears have you dealt with? What are you afraid the most of?" Shereen Zoumot
Fidaa Zidan "My fears are what I will do, to miss something, hurt somebody or consider something. There are a lot of fears related to society, but also my search and presenting on stage"
Fidaa "When I wrote the 'The Last Day of Spring' we talk about the loss and reclaiming the Arab identity, sensitive in my society. (I have) fears about what I should say and not, being open"
Fidaa "I must have the courage to do what I want to do. Yes, I need to be careful, but I face these fears by courage and knowing what I am doing. It is becoming easier, but sometimes I can't face it. Performers have to keep doing stuff despite the fears or doubts"
Tewa Barnosa "Self censorship is the artist's own demons. We put it on ourselves but it is also from what society has done. Trying to avoid with each work, what if it gets rephrased or framed in another context"
Tewa Barnosa "Selective solidarity is very toxic. There are these trends and boxes you need to check to get projects selected. This is one example (in the arts). In society, we show solidarity to this case but not to this and the reasons are not clear why. How do we tackle that?"
Shereen Zoumot "We talked about living a double life. We work taboos by hiding our identity in our work when we're with family or in our work. It is a weird combination of living our lives"
Shereen Zoumot "There's a quote from Fidaa's work 'I don't give a sh@t how exotic I am to you'
Tewa Barnosa "I think once we speak about the double life we have to live I am more aware of that now in Europe and how anything we say it's always exotic"
Tewa Barnosa "This is always when you talk about your work, where you grew up. It's disturbing, on a personal level but on a larger level I think it's not our responsibiity as artists to change the West's perspective"
Fidaa Zidan "I know these feelings. There is a separation so they can divide".
Fidaa Zidan "As an Arab woman in general coming from a village, let's say or a conservative community, when they go to study they discover another life, which is very normal to anyone, because of this knowledge they can't express themselves in their society"
"When you are going out in the University you express yourselves, when you go back you can't be the one who you are really. There's a lot of layers, it's not just about the body, or speech but how people look at you"
Q What does home mean to you and how does it come through your work?
Shereen Zoumot "Home is more than where I sleep and eat, it's where I find my comfort. Home is what I carry within my body and my mind. What stories do I have? This is home for me"
Q What conflicts are there between your identities?
Shereen Zoumot "It makes me like a pressure cooker and thne it explodes into my work"
Fidaa Zidan "My home is my feelings, my family, home for me is freedom also"
"The conflict in my work, it feeds what I work on and the theatre - how to bring conflict on stage"
Tewa Barnosa "Since the last year and a half I don't remember what home is. Not having this privilege to go back home is very triggering. It's a very sensitive topic about home and what home is"
Q What is the importance of community and solidarity in your work, what strength can the community offer?
Fidaa Zidan "All my work comes for the society. To do theatre for me it is a solidarity. Our choices make the solidarity. Theatre makes the opportunity to smile, but as an actress I need the solidarity from the audience"
Tewa Barnosa "Without the community my work wouldn't achieve any of the impacts it hopes for. In Tripoli we had a project called 'Arts out'. The children started as negative but after three months they engaged. It changes perspective for them and us in the arts"
"Without the community, nothing is really happening"
Shereen Zoumot "Love is a common feeling here and it helps with solidarity, stopping preconceived judgement and opening spaces".

Perfect comment to finish on ❤️
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