Officials from Utah’s major hospitals are about to begin a news conference to discuss the Covid situation and outlook. . #utpol
First, @MarkBriesacher from @Intermountain says they are getting close to a capacity of patients they have not seen. “We’re deeply concerned about the trajectory of COVID-19.” Near-record number of positive tests yesterday, new state record possible today. #utpol
Briesacher: Currently managing, have plans in place for surge capacity, but don’t want to get there. “Beds don’t take care of people.” There is a limited number of doctors and nurses.

Encouraged Gov required masks for students, feels strongly that everyone deserves same. #utpol
A patchwork approach will lead to confusion.

Now @E_Stenehjem, who says hospitals have prepared. Plans are in place for surge. “We are now seeing this surge.” Increase started at end of May. Expect July 4 surge shortly. #utpol
Stenehjem: If surge continues, docs and nurses will have to take on rolls they are unfamiliar with.

Viruses don’t respect city and county lines. We need social distancing. If not possible, wear masks. And wash hands. “The time to act is now.” #utpol
Now Tom Miller, chief medical officer at @UofUHealth. Masks are simple and work.

“Whats a little difficult for me to understand … is why as a state haven’t we taken action to come together in a way we know will make a difference.” #utpol
Miller calls on a statewide mask mandate.

“It’s time to act … Every day we delay masking as a mandate takes us further from our goals.”

Kids won’t be able to go back to school if we can’t get virus under control. #utpol
Now Dr. Mike Bauman, chief medical officer of @MstarHealth.

“We can’t have the businesses that want to be open be open and be successful without having a healthy population, and masking is part of getting there.” #utpol
Bauman says Utah is in a strong position compared to other states in HCA system. Can take a simple step to control the surge. #utpol
Now Arlen Jarrett, chief medical officer Steward Health, says number of cases in its hospitals have doubled. Not at capacity and it was expected.

Says Utah will report 867 new cases today. “It feels as though we’re headed for a disaster.” #utpol
If we stay on this path we’ll maximize capacity.

“We at this point I don’t think we can avoid maximizing our hospital capacity.”

"It seems clear we’re going to be maxing out our hospitals. I think it’s too late to make that change.” #utpol
Dr. Briesacher compares what they’re doing today to a hurricane warning. There is an urgent need to act now. #utpol
Dr. Bauman says Mountainstar hasn’t seen a huge increase. Still have 60% inpatient capacity and 40% ICU capacity, but shouldn’t be cause for complacency. #utpol
Mountainstar has backup plans to increase beds available and move resources from other cities if necessary.

Dr. Miller says U. is able to care for patients in current ICU setup. Next jump will require contingency measures. Says Utahns will listen if leaders lead. #utpol
@E_Stenehjem says he hopes leaders make decisions on resuming school based on data. If rates continue to rise it would not be safe for kids to go back to school. Need case counts declining. “I just hope our leaders really focus on the data.” #utpol
Jarrett says he wants to see kids back in school. Kids need to learn. Schools need to take precautions. Kids are not as likely to die from Covid, but they can spread it. And teachers can get it. #utpol
Briesacher says in Intermountain ICU beds are 77% full. Statewide it is 72%. When you get to 80-85% that’s where the system is stressed. That is considered full “and we are approaching that.” #utpol
Dr. Miller says the data on the state website “is not representative practically of what is going on.” Points to AZ and notes Utah has fewer beds per capita. We will end up there if we don’t change the trend. #utpol
Bauman says Mountainstar hospitals in Florida two weeks ago were where Utah is now, but they got in trouble very quickly. Warns against complacency.

Notes Covid patients take ICU beds for longer period of time than most. #utpol
Dr. Jarrett says this group of medical officers have spent several meetings discussing how the state report doesn’t send the right message to the public. Not all ICU beds are equal. Working on a new report that more accurately reflects the data. #utpol
@E_Stenehjem says if we start wearing masks today it would take two weeks to see the numbers come down.

(Logically this also means even if we do implement mask rules, we’ll likely see numbers continue to rise for two weeks.) #utpol
Briesacher says Mtn. America Expo Center beds are available, but they don’t want to get to that point. Beds don’t care for people.

“We’re going to have an all-time high today in new cases.” Some of them will end up in our hospitals. #utpol
Briesacher: Docs and nurses are working hard “it can be disheartening to go to work every day and have so many patients to care for.” Not having them see family, then driving home and see people no wearing masks.

It takes a toll on health care workers. #utpol
Dr. Miller says we shouldn’t blame people who are not wearing masks. Important to be a “mask missionary.” Advance the issue through understanding. #utpol
Dr. Jarrett said he spent time last weekend with a family member who was strongly anti-mask. No amount of convincing would work. Hopes people don’t have to be touched by someone getting sick to change their views. #utpol
Dr. Bauman: Not a blame game. “It’s about helping each other and protecting each other.”

Dr. Briesacher: “I don’t view this is as a political question. It’s about people.” We come together and now is the time to do it. #utpol
@E_Stenehjem says he wishes he could bring people into the hospital, let them hear the ventilators, see the patients, talk to the caregivers. That’s not political.

#MaskUpUtah #utpol
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