No matter how many times I try to distract myself, I can't get over how people in power are yelling for schools to reopen without any real plans in place to make it safe.
If you think I'm going to send the most important thing in my life into a dangerous spot so you can look good, well, in the words of this-morning-Woj...
But really, to get more nuanced, I just don't get why the folks at the top don't realize that their best path back to normalcy isn't just to stomp feet and try to scream the virus away. Make a medium/long term plan and you will look BETTER to the public. Have ANY foresight.
It's insane. Every decision has been made with "what will make me look best tomorrow morning" in mind instead of "what will make me/everyone happy at an endpoint"... this is one of the most shortsighted plans I've ever seen in one of the most critical times.
IN CONCLUSION, people at the top, stop being dicks and actually try to solve this thing. I promise, I will give credit if you make a good choice. Really, I will. I want my kids/parents to survive more than I care about who looks good in the polls tomorrow.
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