So it's much worse than just slandering @theJagmeetSingh.

It turns out that @HaltonPolice @ChiefTanner has a long history of partisan political commentary.

And surprise surprise, it's all pro-Ford and anti- @AndreaHorwath and the @OntarioNDP...

Here's some examples:
This is wildly unprofessional.

Halton's police chief has an obligation to be non-partisan in public forums.

Perhaps it would be one thing if these comments were from Steve Tanner, private citizen, as @HaltonPolice insists, but his Twitter handle is "Chief Steve Tanner"...
@GaryCarrHalton needs to tell @HaltonPolice that Steve Tanner has to keep his right-wing political commentary to himself and perhaps a private Facebook page.

This is a matter of basic professionalism.

It should not be controversial.
I didn't even include the most egregious examples of @ChiefTanner's online conduct.

How on earth does the sitting chief of a major Ontario police department think it's appropriate for him to jump into the journalist @Travisdhanraj's mentions to say editorialize like this?
@theJagmeetSingh is right to raise concerns about Halton's top cop.

His pattern of trolling NDP politicians constitutes, at the very least, a serious breach of professional ethics.

It also shows severe lapses in judgment.
The Halton Police Chief’s Twitter history may be of interest to @InsideHalton @CTVToronto @OakvilleBeaver @globalnewsto @TheSpec @BurlingtonPost @TorontoStar @CBCPolitics @CBCToronto as they report on his fued with the NDP’s leader.
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