1/5 When I was a kid, my parents once promised to take me to an amusement on a certain date. When the day came, the weather was terrible, and they suggested we go another day when the weather was better. But I threw a tantrum bc I had been counting on that day
2/5 So they took me. It sucked. None of the rides were open and we wandered around looking at all of the things I could have done if I’d waited. This is what’s going to happen if we open schools in areas where it’s too soon.
3/5 Kids sitting still in rows, all good pedagogy thrown out the door for the sake of health. And regret that we didn’t wait. Except add in the shadow of death and/or long-term health complications.
4/5 We can’t act like children throwing tantrums and saying, “But this is the date set on the calendar so we should do it anyway even if circumstances show otherwise.” We went from locking down in areas that had NO cases to
5/5 saying we should open up schools when we are getting more and more cases everyday. Please stop acting like 6 year olds and forget about a date on the calendar that was chosen for convenience.
*amusement park
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