a thread of my favourite #김데일리 pics because i’m trying to manifest its return 📸✨
starting off strong! very pleased to know namjoon is aware that he is Beautiful Enough (and also excellent at colour coordination)
more great colour coordinating! look at him showing off his pretty pastel shoes with a pleased lil smile :(
the overalls + headband combo.....exquisite
including this because a. headband again and b. i like that his shirt just says ‘inhabitant’. inhabitant of where? very vague i love it
more of the headband which is very cute but unfortunately extremely overshadowed by the presence of Arms
since we covered arms i figured i’d better throw in some leg content too. ur welcome
it’s very upsetting to me that he can pull that face and still look adorable & stylish
arriving at a segment i like to call namjoon ft. hotel rooms! seemingly bland location but he makes it work! (no i don’t want to talk about the legs + lollipop combo in the second pic)
colour coordinated very nicely with the room here very impressive. 10/10 for that plus an extra bonus point for the contemplative look which really adds to the overall vibe
my favourite of the namjoon ft. hotel room series! will not elaborate i’m sure u all understand why
ok i will elaborate that i just really like namjoon in a hood. especially enjoy the lil peek of pink hair here! cute and gothy
oh i LOVE this one. the sweater-cape! his cute happy smile! the way he’s clutching his bag! excellent
eternally obsessed with the black layered outfits. he looks like a particularly cosy witch and i dig it
more modern witch vibes but a lil more scandalous this time due to added leg
something vaguely unsettling about these ones....guess it’s the setting? imagine walking down a back alley at night and ur confronted with This
while we’re on the topic of layering this feels like a great time to insert The Skirt Pics™! arguably one of the greatest outfits he has ever worn and i would do unspeakable things for a skirt comeback
this outfit is in my top 3 favs of all time i just love it So Goddamn Much. @ namjoon i know u left behind ur all-black phase but if u could bring back this one specific outfit i would be forever indebted to u
a slightly more recent black fit but still 2 years old! v good one though
this isn’t a black outfit but it is absolutely iconic i love a man in a trench coat
not only is this an incredible outfit but it’s ft. monie!!!!! truly blessed
god he looks like such a cute nerd i want to steal his lunch money and then give him a hug
namjoon ft. rooftops is another good combination
a snowy rooftop!!!! even better
no actual snow in these but he does look like he’s /ready/ to go play in the snow and that is somehow even better again
would love 2 know what he’s thinking about here. what’s going on beneath that cute beanie
i like this one because he looks adorable and soft and his bag says RAP MONSTER on it
look at him! he could never bother anyone
he really makes that thumb brace look like a deliberate fashion choice and i respect him so much for it
he uploaded this with the caption “pink beanie 🎀” and that makes it 100x more precious, which shouldn’t even be possible
up next: mirror selfies! this one is a firm favourite his eyes peeking over the top of the ryan phone case makes me want to weep softly
more good mirror action. the second pic was uploaded with the caption “taehyungie gave me clothes” which leaves me with so many questions including: which clothes???
oh this one is SUAVE. look at the height on that hair
my favourite honeybee! 🐝🐝🐝
this is another one of my personal favourite outfits and it is only made better by the fact that he uploaded it with the dolphin emoji as the caption 🐬
and now, possibly the greatest mirror selfies which feature the first of three guest stars to the kim daily series: the iconic namkook mirror selfies! there is so much to discuss here but unfortunately namkook make my brain melt so i’m just gonna drop them and move on
these selfies provide a nice segue into the next segment which is: cosy joon in scarves!
i usually strongly dislike camo print but i will make an exception for this particular look. he’s so snug!! i want to pat his head and send him off to school
all beige is a controversial style choice but i think we can all agree he pulls it off (also little sidenote to say this is my favourite joon hairstyle i think)
unsure of the shoes but i’ll let him off because everything else going on here is absolutely wonderful
obviously had to include the bookshop pics! peak cosy joon. particularly endeared by the little pompom on his hat
admiring the art :)
all bundled up to look at some pretty lights! these pics make me feel very warm and content
ok there’s no scarf present in these but they are arguably still very cosy
joon described this as a ‘campus look’ and i am 100% behind that concept. perfect cosy outfit for meeting ur friends for coffee in between lectures
time for guest number two! mr. kim taehyung, another fashionable kim, featuring on kim daily. feels right
may as well include the third and final guest while we’re here so! look at these nerds in hats and matching denim
very nice view! no i’m not talking about the manhattan skyline
and now we arrive at the final and best section: namjoon ft. nature! otherwise known as namjoon namjooning. look at him go
namu :(
i see lil ears peeking out under his hat, i cry
he posted so many pics from this day he must’ve had such a good time :(
a couple more from this day for good measure! He Is So Cute
this one is great because i have no clue why he’s holding his shoe. did he have a stone in it? did he get it wet? is he just letting his foot breathe?
this one he uploaded under the caption “with a friend” which is great because the friend in question really disturbs me
another personal all-time favourite! the backdrop, the snow, the adorable pose that makes me want to rip my own hair out.....😌
this one isn’t really nature but it doesn’t fit into any other category so i’m throwing it in here! big fan of this outfit and i miss the whistle necklace
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