In the school i went to the black kids would test you to see if you were afraid.

They would yell something out like "hey white boy!" In the most intimidating voice they could. If you didnt answer back with confidence they knew they could abuse you.
What would follow would be a series of shit tests to see how much they could get away with before they beat you up, humiliate, and finally rob you.

They might call out again to you, even louder. They might start with insults. They may step on your foot.
No, this wasnt just typical bully stuff. It was intentionally directed from black kids against white kids and it happened every day.

If you didnt know how to stand your ground and project confidence you would be victimized. It was like a prison. You had to be always alert.
I feel like a lot of "anti-racist" white people dont know what its really like. They are blissfully unaware. The only experience they have with blacks are the ones they see on TV.

And when you try to tell them the truth they react with anger. They tell you what the tv told them.
"Theres no difference between groups of humans" is the basic gist of it. If you dig deeper you may get to one of many long series of copes on the subject. "Education", "economic status", "population density".

Again, what the tv tells them to say.
But if you're like me and you experienced it yourself you may come across data that supports your own personal observations.

13/50, interracial violent crime, etc.

And if the truth matters to you you might feel compelled to communicate this reality.
That may be what brought you here. You're tired of lies. You've experienced what happens when a society lies. You may have been victimized yourself.

And you feel compelled to tell the truth because you dont want to see others hurt. You care. Maybe even too much.
Our story is infinitely more than a single incident or a schoolyard scuffle. The depth of the problem is so great even we may not understand everything that happened. All that we lost.

And whats worse you feel like the problem is getting bigger.
And if you pay attention long enough you may begin to realize that the media is not reporting the truth. That the story they tell paints YOU as the aggressor. That the reason for all of this discord is you and people like you. And you know thats not true.
So why are they lying?

Is it because they are all liberals? Maybe. But these people in the media have access to the truth. They have the raw data. This isnt a difference of opinion. They refuse to acknowledge anything. No. "They're all liberals" doesnt cut it.
What it really comes down to, What everyone begins to conclude with enough time, is that what the media is doing is intentional and malicious.

That the lies are designed to attack you.
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