Erdogan has just ordered to turn the Hagia Sophia into a mosque. The Hagia Sophia was the central cathedral of Orthodox Christians, conquered & converted by Ottomans in 1453. It was turned into a museum by Ataturk to abandon the imperialist past. Now, Turkey is going backwards.
This is a clear sign of provocation and hostile sentiments of Islamic supremacy. Muslims have no need for a Hagia Sophia Mosque. For that the Blue Mosque was established across from it. The conquest and conversion of the Hagia Sophia represents Islamic victory over Christians.
Muslims are widely celebrating the conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a mosque and shouting slogans of Islamic supremacy. It is disturbing to witness such backward behavior.

Fun fact: The name Hagia Sophia means Holy Wisdom and refers to Jesus who is considered God. The Hagia Sophia was dedicated to the divinity of Jesus. Muslims have unkowingly kept the name and will pray in a mosque whose name declares Jesus God, although that's blasphemy in Islam.
Here is the background, a brief history, and my thoughts on this provocative, historic decision.
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