The trope of "magic girl can stay with boy if she loses her magic" always makes me really sad. i wonder if guys know how it feels to us girls when they write that trope?
"see its REALLY romantic, she gives up something intrinsic to her entire nature to her very with..some dude.....what does he give up for her?? oh uh"
i think it's cause i also run into this in real life "i'm so mad, her husband made her give up her dreams to support his work and no one cared!"
man friend: but isn't that just an amazing and romantic sacrifice she made?
me: when does he make one for her? when?
him: uh. oh.
its ALWAYS our turn to sacrifice and our turn to wait. they'll get to us eventually i'm sure! just keep waiting! yes! keep giving! i'm sure it'll all pay off 🙃
it feels like "if you want a man to love you, kill your soul and make your body small."
and i think that's selling men a bit short too.
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