👇🏼 This is really good advice I have given many times myself, but here are a few caveats for young women based on MY EXPERIENCE only. 1/ https://twitter.com/yayforzig/status/1281377227246989312
When lateral networking leads to early collaboration 1) Don’t let them make you the stenographer/typist/secretary/group assistant 2) Don’t let them make you the “mascot” - AKA the person they constantly rag who has to laugh along in exchange for the privilege of being included 2/
3) Be wary of signs that, in success, someone is trying to claim credit for your work/cut you out. It happens. Don’t let it. 4) If you spend lots of your collabo time trying to gracefully dodge unwelcome advances (even when they say “I wasn’t serious!” after you say no) run. 💜
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