Is “Black in Black crime” real? Sorta? Just as “White on White” and “Hispanic on Hispanic” we have the statistics for it.

Now, is it actually worse than any other race on race crime?
Lol, no, silly. That’s just what racists want you to think.

Here are some numbers:
According to the Bureau of Justice Violent Crime Statistics in 2018:
70% of all violent crimes on a black person were committed by another black person.

And 62% of all violent crimes on a white person were committed by another white person.

How does 8% play out in raw number?
In 2018 there were 395,322 violent “Black on Black” crimes.

There were 2,224,024 violent “white on white” crimes.

Whoa! That’s a lot! Right?

Black people are about 1/5 the population size as white people so multiply that by 5 and you get... roughly the same rate.

Wait, so if Black people commit crimes against Black people at virtually the same rate that white people commit crimes against white people, where did this narrative come from?

Well, it’s mostly just a lie perpetuated by media and politicians to make Black people sound violent.
But, there’s 1 statistic that can sort of back it up if you refuse to look at literally anything else.

70% of all violent crimes against a Black person are committed by another Black person but Black people only make up 12% of the population.

That’s a rate 5.8x higher!
You’re technically right. Can’t debate the statistics, but you can debate the usefulness of it.

This statistic is only useful of every community in America had a race/ethnicity breakdown = to that of the entire country’s breakdown.
Which just flat out isn’t true.
Look down your street right now, is 62% of the neighborhood white, 12% black and 17% Hispanic?
Probably not, right?

Generally speaking, the wealthier the neighborhood, the whiter the neighbors and the poorer the neighborhood, the blacker the neighbors.
The point here is that a better—or at least more accurate—name for “Black on Black crime” would simply be, “neighbor on neighbor crime,” or, “intra-community crime”

And a better—or at least more accurate—name for someone who thinks it’s a valid argument is, “racist.”
Further knowledge: based on the same source, violent crime increases as household income decreases.
More poverty = more crime.

4 out of 5 people in an impoverished community are Black or Hispanic.

1/4 of all Black and Hispanic people live in poverty.

1/10 of all white people.
Wait, so, since more poverty = more crime AND a higher percentage of Black people live in poverty than white people BUT Black on Black and White on White crime have similar rates...

Couldn’t a case be made that white people are actually more violent?
Yes, you could 100% make that case and use these statistics to back it up.
However, I wouldn’t.

The goal is not to fight each other, it is to fight the people in power that want this division.

The people to your left and right are not your enemy. Politicians and media are.
This thread is for education purposes.

The best way forward is together and we cannot come together until we understand each other.
Seek first to understand and then to educate and only then can we move forward together.

If they still wanna fight. That’s on them. Move on.
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