You may have noticed that we're excited about our 150th birthday!! 🥳🎉🎂 But who set up the Baths way back in 1870? Here are the stories of our founding member: a thread 👇 #PeopleWhoMadeGlasgow #OTD #Arlington150 #swimming #ArchivesMatter #PeopleMakeGlasgow #Glasgow
Our last founder is lawyer Robert Peel Lamond – named for Prime Minister Robert Peel. His father helped organise a massive banquet for Peel’s 1837 visit to Glasgow to become @UofGlasgow rector. R.P. Lamond also wrote about the reform of the Poor Laws
+ these sources/researchers: @internetarchive @Wikipedia @TheWFA @RMGreenwich @Paul4Jags @Workhouses @SallyTuckett HUGE thanks to History Group researchers @wcjess @jdloates @elucyjanes & Kay & Eunice for all their work. Here’s to making history for another 150 years! 18/ENDS
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