Pizzagate/QAnon people have Wayfair trending today. They falsely claim price glitches on storage boxes prove that the company is trafficking children.

This took off because of a post on Reddit's r/conspiracy subreddit yesterday, which is a clearinghouse for anonymous paranoia.
We're living in a second, more profound and politically important Satanic Panic. This time, everyone's in on it.

People will look for coincidences as narrow and stupid as pricing glitches on furniture sites as "proof" a global cabal is eating children and controlling the world.
This is the real worry with QAnon stuff.

Most people associate QAnon with wacko talk about clones and JFK Jr.'s ghost rising from the dead, but Q's narratives are now pervasive with young people because they linger in the ether of the social internet.
As always, this is the problem with Pizzagate-style narratives. Child sex trafficking exists and thrives, and internet conspiracy theories about child eating on 8chan work to delegitimize the work advocates do to stomp it out.
Here's one of the people that conspiracy theorists are accusing of being child trafficked on Wayfair.

"Why are you posting people, talking about 'they're missing' when you don't even know if they're missing, with a cabinet?"
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