I am such a bad gardener, and I have such a small, shady patch of back yard to grow in, and yet, it is amazing how much you can coax out of such soil and eat
the idea of making the golf course up the hill from me into a farm, well, it haunts my dreams
someone down the street from us has a tiny little block of soil, between the sidewalk and the road, maybe 20" by 30" and its got like four different vegetable plants on it and they are thriving
SOIL-FREE VERTICAL URBAN FARMS THANKS TO SCIENCE cool cool, but, like, did you know you could just grow food in the ground in front of your house
the more you centralize your food production, as a society, the more you need to burn fossil fuels to ship them. every vegetable that comes from the central valley is drenched in the oil it took to drive it to you. my backyard tomatoes are the only food I can eat that isn't.
having a lot of ecology feelings this morning, not exactly sure why
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