
If you’ve been part of this game for awhile

.. and you’re starting to struggle with content creation 🎨

1. You’re not consuming enough
2. You’re not re-using old content
3. You stopped having fun on Twitter

(some quick solutions) ⬇️

Consume high-quality content 📚

- Motivational Videos

- Tweets from others

- Books on:
• Copywriting
• Networking
• Marketing
• Business
• Sales

~ I’d be happy to recommend a list of books ~

Coming up with content will be difficult

If you’re not consuming routinely..

—> Our “content” comes from our:

• thoughts
• opinions
• reactions

to what we:

• see
• hear
• read
• observe

—> Don’t run dry.

On days like today (when I need some inspiration)

I’ll use Twitter’s “Advanced Search” feature to view my tweets from months ago..

I’ll either:

- Tweet something on the same topic
- Tweet it in a different way
- RT it

Content that worked months ago..

Will work today 📝

Stop caring so much.

I grew fastest when:

+ I tweeted quickly (didn’t spend 30 minutes thinking about it)
+ I tweeted what was on my mind
+ I made it fun for ME

That’s ALL that matters..


Because if you’re not enjoying it, you’re going to burnout..

Take it easy ❄️
You can follow @AskTheGiver.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled:

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