🔸thread on important life questions I want to ask everyone on her🔸

-if you answer, I'd be really thankful :')
1) Was your school phase better or your college phase? And can you elaborate why?
2) Who is the biggest influence in your life apart from your family?
3) Do you think social media friends are more understanding or do you think that if you met them in real life, it'd all be the same?
4) Have you ever gone through humiliation or dark phases where you felt rejected? How did/are you coping up with it?
5) What is the most important lesson you have learnt in your life? Like some thing which has changed you as a person and has brought a significant difference in your personality and the way you handle situations?
6) What are your standards of having friends? You cannot be a friend with someone because of what specific reason?
7) What's your viewpoint on romance? Do you believe that there's a soulmate? Does it have great importance in your life or do you think it's only one aspect of your life and doesn't require much attention?
8) What are the biggest regrets you've had in your life? Would you change the mistakes you've commited in past or are you fine with them as they've taught you lessons you wouldn't repeat in future?
9) What is the secret key to your heart? What qualities in a person melt you down and makes you fall in love with someone?
10) What's your biggest insecurity and is it in control or is it taking a toll over your mental health?
11) Do you wanted to be loved for your work or do you want to be loved because of your personality and the way you treat others?
🔸end of the thread🔸

thank you so much to everyone who took this thread or answered/liked to any of the above questions, you wasted your time on this and shared your valueable views so it really means a lot 🌹
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