Excellent thread on ICU capacity:
ICUs = technology + experts in managing critically ill patients
(ht @Arrianna_Planey)
I'll add a bit more from my dissertation below on 1) trainees, 2) communication, and 3) inequality https://twitter.com/nickmmark/status/1281067680603107336
1) Trainees
In many large, tertiary care hospitals, many of the doctors in the ICU are trainees.
In Canada, they found that "in nearly half of the ICUs, frontline, after-hour ICU care was delivered by physicians with less than 3 months of ICU training."
Another study noted that higher patient-doctor staffing ratios made teaching trainees more difficult.
2) Communication
Staffing impacts communication and decision-making. COVID has significantly impacted ICU communication w/ family members (research coming very soon🤞)
@danielalamasmd "No more visitors. When you leave today, you both need to say goodbye." https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/24/opinion/coronavirus-hospital-visits.html
My dissertation found that families were most able to make informed choices about life-sustaining treatments when they had continuity in who communicated with them. Hand-offs were sources of miscommunications, errors, and frustration.
3) Racial and SES Inequities
The core of my dissertation research was understanding inequality. I found trainee involvement and communication (as a outcome of ICU staffing) were clearly implicated in racial and SES inequities in end-of-life experiences.
And ICU staffing has already been implicated in COVID inequalities https://mobile.twitter.com/KatieHauschildt/status/1278521972620754944
ICU capacity doesn't mean beds.
It means capacity to provide ICU-level care. ICU staffing is the absolute center of ICU-level care. It matters for patients' survival of COVID
it matters for patients who do not survive https://twitter.com/KatieHauschildt/status/1246556100608090116
Have to add: @DeenaKCosta @juliaflynch @erin__ice have done excellent work on shortages in staffing https://twitter.com/juliaflynch/status/1270680159222403072
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